Starting out on-line as an Internet Marketer, Blogger, Affiliate Marketer can be daunting as you come across others who are promoting awesome give-away’s and value packed information products.
You may not yet have created any products of your own and are stuck on how to even get started!
You have been told that you can make money online but it seems all you are doing is spending as you purchase umpteen reports, ebooks, products that are all designed to teach you how to make it big like the people you’ve been following and admiring.
How do I know all of this? I’ve been where you are at too…
I felt helpless and useless as I didn’t have anything of value to offer people so that I could build a list of subscribers to start building a relationship with. And as we are told, the money is in your list right?
So, where do you turn to if you have nothing but you know that you are on your way to building something awesome? You desperately want an audience to send some awesome and inspirational emails to but how do you get those elusive email addresses?
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Thanks Sonia I've been a loyal member of rrw for years.
Hello Sonia it's great to see you in the community. Excellent information in your post on PLR & RR. I agree it is a great way to build your list. Shared via Syndication Automation.