If your want to build an email list from highly targeted traffic, and you’ve got some money to invest in the effort, I want to introduce you to Safe-Swaps.

Safe-Swaps is a marketplace where you can buy, sell, or swap traffic (aka clicks), and is ideal for anyone building a list. It provides you direct access to many of the web’s top traffic sellers, and gives you the chance to check them out, seeing what other people think of them, before you buy their traffic. It also shows you who you want to stay away from.

Is Safe-Swaps it Free?

There're two options with safe– swaps. You can start with a free account, Which would give you access to buy clicks. You can also choose to have a paid account, Which give you lots more options including the ability to swap for clicks. Swapping for clicks is incredibly powerful, and can help you grow your list very quickly.

How can I get started?

. Getting started is really simple. Just visit the safe swaps homepage here. [aff link]

Step 1: Create An Account

This should be pre-straightforward. You just want to make sure that you use an e-mail address that you check on a regular basis, ‘cause there is a lot e-mail communication involved here.

Step 2: Create Your Swipe

Your swipe is the e-mail that you are having sent out on your behalf. It's the e-mail that will generate the clicks to your website. Swipes consists of 3 things:

  • Subject: this should be engaging enough to get someone to want to open the e-mail.
  • Body: make this part short and sweet. It should basically tell people what you're offering and encourage them to click the link… and that's about it.
  • Link: This is the link in your body that with direct the reader to your Lading Page. This can be hypertext or simply a straight URL.

Step 3: Complete Your Account Setup

If you intend on swapping, then you'll need to click the button that says “Activate Prime Status.” Otherwise, you can simply continue on using the free account. 

Step 4: Account Settings

If you're using the paid account version, then you’ll want to check out the account settings. Here, you’ll need to add your Autoresponder API code, which will make your account far more credible to others in the marketplace, and easier for you to trade clicks.

  • First go to My Autoresponders and Click “Add New”
  • Then pick your Autoresponder Provider (if you don't have an autoresponder, I recommend GetResponse)
  • Simply Select your list size, then add the API code. That's it.

Step 5: Buy a Solo or Do a Swap

There're several ways to buy solos or do swaps. You can use the search function to find somebody who is selling or you can use the forum or chat board to make requests in order to find a swap partner.

Remember that one of the most powerful parts of this platform is that you can do your research on someone before buying. I urge you to take advantage of checking out a seller’s or swap partner’s stats before you proceed.

If you're interested in trying safe swaps yourself, you can get there through my affiliate link here.
