Top Video Contributor

Common Sense Marketing




Hi All,

I am George Pierce.  I have about 20 years of Internet Marketing under my belt, yet I still make mistakes.  Most of my 

mistakes are because I love to try new stuff, I love the thrill and the success, and I have no problem with making mistakes

since they are the best teachers.   


This post is about using common sense to help you to avoid mistakes.  Using common sense is something that I fail at on occasion, so I feel qualified to share this.

Very often as a newbie and less often as you gain experience, you will be faced with marketing situations that will need to be tempered

with common sense.  

A perfect example is SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization.  The idea behind successful SEO is to find keywords and phrases that 

people use to find your content, product, offer, etc. that have good search volume and low competition. then build your article, post, video, and/or web page. etc. around those words.  A common mistake is that we fail to remember that we are creating content for our audience as well as for search engines. By using common sense, we can come up with a happy medium.


The following snapshot from a new YT channel poses questions.  Common sense will help with the answers.



Lots of views, but very little watch time.  This means that people begin to watch, then leave soon after.  

Isn't this bad for the channel? Doesn't it send a signal to YT that people do not like its content?

I agree that the watch time is disappointing.  According to research, Curious George is very popular and

the view count confirms it.  

Since this is almost a brand-new channel, views (exposure) is a plus,

a needed plus, for now.  

What else can this tell us?

It is a cartoon, and for kids.  Perhaps, I should keep an eye on this kind of content and related content.

Perhaps, this is normal, perhaps more videos like this are needed, perhaps fewer.  Common sense will show the way.

Thanks for reading.

Much success.

George Pierce

PS.  Visit my Internet Marketer Training channel for more help and training.

PPS. Sometimes trial and error and common sense provide the best answers and the best solutions.

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  • Top Member

    I love the title of your post and yes indeed common sense is needed when you're working to give Youtube and search engines content they can index and ranked. 

    Your definitiion of SEO is right on point for people to know what it is they need to do when working on getting ranked and indexed in the search eninges. Great content means organic traffic and money for you, and yes mistakes will be made, and this is okay because all you need to do is plan, review and adjust. I learned this a long time ago from my mentor and it makes perfect sense to me. 

    Thanks again for your post in the SE community. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      It is my pleasure.  What is so exciting about new stuff is the fact that you are met with new challenges and new learning experiences.  If I can just remember where I put my common sense!??  Thanks, Terri. 

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