This is exactly the kind of irrational and reactionary defensive attitude gamers are being accused of. There is a video on YouTube called ‘Anita Sarkeesian-BUSTED!’ by Thunderf00t which points out exactly why many people have a problem with her videos (turns out it has nothing to do with her being a woman). Mainly that she cherry picks utfifas and distorts facts to fit her already formed conclusion.
By disabling comments on her videos she takes away the voice of anyone who disagrees with her and when they get frustrated at being talked down to and stupidly attack her on Twitter she uses this as further proof that games are making gamers abusive sexist pigs. Of course none of the games media sites would even dare to contradict Anita or they would be just as bad as their disgusting, abusive, sexist and misogynistic readers, the recently deceased ‘gamer’.
GC: GamerGate has always been primarily about misogyny. It started because of an easily disproven set of rumours spread by Zoe Quinn’s ex-boyfriend, which then led to her being hounded out of her own home. Not a well-meaning crusade for ethical standards in journalism. Frankly, we’re surprised Anita Sarkeesian hasn’t changed her name and moved to Antarctica after all this
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Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing it in the community.