The Daily Meditation 11.08.2013
Spirit Is In All I See and All I Do
Carol Grimm, RScP
I step out into a winter world this morning. The rising sun is casting pale red light on the clouds above. I feel Spirit all around. There are cold breezes and ice on the animal’s water. As I make the rounds I hear the animals calling to be fed and released from their night time confinement. They are ready to run and jump. The sheep and alpacas and chickens all celebrate the day. They demonstrate Love, Joy, Peace and Harmony. As I put out Hay and feed for them I feel my connection with all that is.
I know that Spirit is in all I see and all I do. Because I know that it is all one, I know that each person reading my words is a part of this boundless creation. We are free to express Spirit in any way that is right for us.
I am thankful for the abundance that surrounds me and all that I do. I am thankful for perfect health and freedom to enjoy all that is.
I release my word into the Law knowing that they are true.
Carol Grimm is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.