If you're in the internet and mobile world, you have to get people to remember you. What better way to do it than to post your photo everywhere you can. Now, this is something I did for a while and noticed a remarkable difference in response. It was as if people would see my name and say, "I know that guy but who is he again?"
The funny thing is when I have posted my photo on still videos, audios platforms, blogs and articles, there is a noticeable difference in the response. Trust me, I'm not that smart to have come with this on my own. It was merely by accident. It seems that people kind of relate to others better when there is a photo attached to their online and mobile offerings.
Hope this is a tip you'll at least try,
Ced Reynolds, Entrepreneurial Pastor
p.s. Looking for something different in the mobile niche? Click here
So true. A picture makes you seem more real and personable. More approachable, as well. Thanks for sharing. Liked and shared.
Very true Ced. We need to see a face in order to connect. Thanks for sharing. Liked and Shared.
So true Ced. If I get a friend request or on any site where there is no photo of that person then I just delete. Great tip.
Thanks for the comments Dr. Salvato and Terri. Branding is absolutely the key. People want to connect with people and the more we can do to make it happen, the better.
Ced Reynolds, Entrepreneurial Pastor
It's called BRANDING Ced. You're MUST make an impression by getting to know, like and trust people first. This is why you are building your list.