My Father-In-Law.
Despite all the periods of time in my marriage where others were pointing the finger at me and shutting me out, he was the one person (in the family) that spoke kindness and understanding to me. I wish I had leaned on that reality much sooner as it could have made the last four years much easier.
It all started with "Thank you for loving my son and grandsons." That appreciation will never be forgotten.
Then, he'd send me articles he thought I'd like of FB. He was always gentle and positive. Something my other "fathers" did not show me often. Recently I found out he likes opera music like me. So cool, knowing we're 30 yrs apart in age.
And everything was sealed in my heart last night as I overheard a phone call my husband had with him. He was talking about someone ten years his senior and mentioned his physical condition being rough. He was being thoughtful toward that person.
It really softened my heart. Whether or not that spoken realization came from a conflict with that other person or not, I'll choose to think it was from him and his heart. What a great man to have in my husband and my life. He's not perfect. No one is.
It makes me think that he has been caring for us as a family knowing how difficult it can be to be a stepparent. He has probably been met with similar criticism and blind bias as I had. It's nice to know I have someone willing to think the best of me. I am so blessed.
If my husband was carved off of his father's block, I see him becoming even a more righteous and quality man than I know today. It's been an honor doing this life journey with my husband despite our rough patches of the past and to come.
I wish this for you all...
I feel so happy for you and the feelings and emotions you are experiencing. I can definitely feel how important it is to you. Yes your life is moving in a positive direction and that my dear is a great thing. May God continue to bless you. Shared via Syndication Automation.