The 5 Common Attraction Marketing Mistakes

This is Episode 6 of 7 of Gavin’s Hybrid Funnel System ….. Rather a long one again but well worth the read !!
OK, so before I explain “The 5 Common Attraction Marketing Mistakes and how to avoid them”…
Let me first explain what Attraction Marketing Is for those of you who don’t really know…
Attraction Marketing is the BEST kind of marketing that exists smile emoticon
Because when you truly UNDERSTAND Attraction Marketing… people come to YOU to join your business and spend money with you instead of you having you chase them…
Rather than having to chase your family and friends, call cold leads on the phone or hassle people on Facebook to join your business…
…and get rejected time and time again…
You SIMPLY create something of VALUE that helps your prospect and shows them how to solve their biggest pains, problems and challenges…
…and in return they might give you their email address, pay you some money, get coaching from you, buy an info product from you or join your Network Marketing Business…
Attraction Marketing works so well because you LEAD with VALUE first, and promote your Business Opportunities second…
Essentially you are BRANDING YOU and selling yourself…
So, people to get Know, Like and Trust you FIRST… before you ever talk about or mention an opportunity to them…
This is totally the reverse of what most people do in their business, and as a result.. they never make any MONEY…
So, let me share with you the 5 Common Attraction Marketing Mistakes & How to Avoid Them…
Common Mistake #1 – Promoting Your Business Opportunity Too Early
This is a BIG one… and most people make this mistake…
The WORST kind of marketing is when you make friends with someone on Facebook / Social Media and then IMMEDIATELY stick a link to your Biz Opp on their wall / message and ask them to JOIN you…
It is very shallow…
You have no idea of their needs, problems, challenges and desires…
…and when you do that to a prospect, it INSTANTLY repels them, and they will probably never do business with you… EVER!
Your prospect has to feel that you CARE for them and you are not just treating them as a number…
Your BEST prospects are people on your list, or that you’ve known for a long time because they Know, Like and Trust you…
That is why Network Marketing Companies teach you to focus on your WARM market…
Common Mistake #2 – When You Join a New Company, Posting it On Your Wall & Messaging People Without a Clear Strategy…
I see this happen ALL the time…
People get very EXCITED…
They join a new opportunity…
…and within 30 mins of them joining, they’ve plastered their join link all over their Facebook wall, and contacted 20 of their friends… and posted it in multiple groups…
As soon as you’ve done that… you’ve lost the GAME…
Seriously… it is over for you and that Opportunity…
You need a GAME PLAN… and a strategy…
You need to use a THREE (3) step process.
1. Pre-Launch
2. Launch
3. Post Launch
You need to get people EXCITED, curious and filled with anticipation about what you are doing…
As soon as people get CURIOUS about it, and think / feel that whatever you are doing can help them… they want it…
But as soon as they know what you’ve got, they have the opportunity to reject you INSTANTLY…
…and they usually do!
Common Mistake #3 – Not Having a Facebook Group / Community Of Your
I’ve been building communities for the last 7 years…
Communities bring people together.
If you can find a group of people who have a common goal / idea / bond and then bring them together by using a community…
Then you get seen as the EXPERT and people look up to you smile emoticon
All you’ve really done is put the community together and invited people…
The BEST PART about this is that your community will grow virally and on Auto-Pilot… because other people INVITE others to the community…
Which means you generate more leads when you know how to persuade and influence the people in your community…
So, if you still do not have your own Community… you need to get one set up FAST… because when you get it right, it is one of the fastest ways to enhance your Credibility and Authority…
Common Mistake #4 – Promoting Your Company First Instead Of Branding YOU…
I made this mistake many years ago…
I got really excited about an opportunity I had joined that I started to promote the opportunity up front…
I created a Blog, wrote articles, did videos, all for this one company…
I built a team of around 5000 people…
Everything was going great… I was making some great money, and then it happened…
The Company folded, the business vanished and I basically lost my entire downline…
I didn’t build a list, and I promoted the company first…
This was a HUGE mistake…
I see it happen to people all the time…
They promote their company, do really well, make some great money and then things CHANGE…
The company changes the comp plan, or the company goes broke…
…and that’s it!
They have NOTHING to show for it…
So you must BRAND YOURSELF first…
You must promote YOU first…
Then you can plugin ANY business you want to on the back end…
This is also the FASTEST way to earning multiple streams of income!
Common Mistake #5 – Not Building a List!
I hinted at it in the last mistake…
The BIGGER your list and the better your RELATIONSHIP with that list, the more money you will make…
On average each lead on your list is worth $1 per month to you…
So, you have:
100 people = $100 per month
1,000 people = $1,000 per month
10,000 people = $10,000 per month
100,000 = $100,000 per month
If you have 100 people on your list, then you can expect to be earning about $100 per month as long as you have a relationship with your list and are offering value…
Now, using a few NINJA techniques that I’m going to share with you on Wednesday… you can easily 5X this amount…
So, when you do it right, the same 100 people on your list could be worth $500 per month to you…
But you have to know the special strategies to use!
Again, I’ve spoken to many Network Marketers who have never built their list…
…and as a result they are still struggling, and making zero money…
You have to START from where you are at right now…
Get Aweber or GetResponse…
Create a Capture Page
Build your list
Email your list daily
Build up a relationship with them
Find a product / service that will help them
Recommend and promote it through your affiliate link
Make money
Sounds complex? It is EASY when you know how…
There are MANY ways of making money and getting sign ups using the Internet…
Just make sure you AVOID the 5 common mistakes as you build your business online…
Now, on Wednesday 29th April at 4pm Eastern / 9pm UK time, I’m going to share with you:
“The Only Attraction Marketing System That Allows You To Earn Multiple Streams Of Income by Combining Internet Marketing & Network Marketing Together…”
…and you’re going to learn how to structure the $1k-a-Day Hybrid Funnel System…
You can use this model to generate leads and make money from:
** Your Network Marketing Business
** Affiliate Marketing
** Info Product Marketing
** Coaching Other Marketers
** Regular Business
It is all about BRANDING YOU, and creating a part automated / part personal system that allows you to earn multiple streams of income…
You can REGISTER for the Webinar here:
Register for Wednesday’s Live Webinar here where I’m going to go into much more detail about the Hybrid Funnel System
I’ll see you on Wednesday, and be sure to SHARE this with your friends and fans…
P.S Wednesday’s Webinar will fill up very quickly, there are ONLY 100 Seats Available, so make sure you REGISTER and show up early…
If you enjoyed reading this post I would appreciate your feedback so please share, tweet, google+ and comment. Thank you
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Another great post Merle!
You know I will always read your blog post. You deliver great information that's beneficial to help people.
Very true Terri and thank you for your comment.
Absolutely it's all about branding YOU first. Relationships is the key to success. I can say this for sure. I am well known all over the internet because I did it right. Shared via Syndication Automation, Pinterest and SE page on Google.