The Excitement Of Being An Ambassador
Just found out that Plexus Slim was named second best weight loss on the market in a Magazine!!
That is great news!!
More people are joining Plexus Slim every day there are new Ambassadors. And because of that we have new people moving up levels in their business making more money

making money 11 ways
making money 7 levels
getting paid weekly
getting paid monthly
The excitement is doing your best to get the word out and making a difference in the world. There are so many people we can help.
If your really wanting to lose weight and get the help you need with your health issues give Plexus Products a try and see how well it can help you. If you become an ambassador you can have your financial freedom and be with your family more.
The Ambassadors are making so much that even their spouse can leave their daily jobs because Plexus gives them more money. There is more testimonies with couples talking about this. It's so AMAZING!!
It might look hard at first but ya know what? What doesn't start off easy? You grow from the grown up not start at the top and work your way down.
people who started Plexus because their health was so bad they were tired of what the doctors were doing for them and they wanted more, well now they are doing so much better with their health.

One ambassador told me she no longer takes her norcos because ever since she started taking the block with her slim,bio cleanse,probio5, nerve health support, and the fast relief capsules full body by the sea, so now she's doing even better.
This Ambassador was bed bound, she couldn't move or she would hurt so bad. Her 6 year old daughter had to take care of her, I helped her for along time, others have helped her move around. She has fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis,auto immune system is very weak.

These are Life Changing Products For Better Health
Now she walks in the mornings, she goes out with her friends, and she's able to go to church twice a week. She has made a BIG difference since she has made Plexus part of her life. Last year alone she took 3 vac trips and before She was not able to even take one because she had no money and she was in so much pain even with the medications the doctors gave her she still was not able to do anything.
YOU can make this all happen for you as well. If your ready for better things to come join on the fun. You can join the video chats we have and learn from each other, we have meetings or once a month. There is a another meeting we have from the Ambassadors above my ambassador.
The Ambassador Rank:
Senior Ambassador
Silver Ambassador
Gold Ambassador
Senior Gold Ambassador
Ruby Ambassador
Senior Ruby Ambassador
Emerald Ambassador
Sapphire Ambassador
Diamond Ambassador
We have some couples that both are Diamond Ambassadors. Making Lots of money!! They have a car each from the corp office which the office pays you allowance for a yr for that car and as a Diamond you get a Black Lexus and Another level you get a white Lexus.
If you do very well with your business the corp office will pay for a vac trip to other places.
So who else would like to join in on the fun and make LOTS of money and Get their health back on track?? Ambassador # 139204
Thank you Terri and Merle for reading and committing on my page, have a wonderful bless week my sweet friends
Great news DeAnn and wishing you every success with it. I am doing my own weight loss at the moment by eating sensibly and it is working. Thanks for sharing.
Plexus Slim is second best weight loss on the market, that's great news for you DeAnn and I wish you continued success. Shared via Syndication Automation. Have a blessed day and weekend.