images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHm8HtrDQ627puNXirOBt_OdhV7zIVyflCK15mvm1g2X-woMQiThere are FIVE PRINCIPLE qualifications for being on my leadership team, and these qualifications are the same qualities shared by every single six-figure income-earner in our field. 
If you are motivated and coachable I am willing to help any refine and sharpen these five qualifications. Take the step and contact me.


This doesn’t have to do specifically with any company, product or marketing plan. The Winner’s Mindset is a quality that transcends circumstance and situation, and recognises that the only thing you really need to succeed, you already have within you. Winners set their sights on a goal, write it down, and take daily steps to achieve it. They don’t need permission. They don’t need applause. They’re not doing this for anyone else but themselves.


Another quality shared by the six-figure income-earners is that once we’ve determined that a company meets the criteria we set for inclusion in our portfolio, we get to work.
We don’t waste time looking for reasons it won’t work. We invest our time growing our businesses. And we do something every single day to advance that business.


Another of the qualities every successful entrepreneur in our field possesses is the qualification of being visionary. They don’t buy into the lie that their income is related to the economy, or to who’s in office. They don’t buy into the doom and gloom forecasts of the mass-media.

They recognise that the ultimate control of their income always has and always will rest within themselves. They reconnect with their Source, and with the vision of Primary Greatness that is their birthright.


I don’t care what you’re marketing, if you’re not using the product yourself, you don’t deserve to succeed. And you probably won’t.

No one will ever care as much about what you say as they will about how you feel about what you say. And if you don’t believe enough in your product to use it (properly), then you’re not committed, and you will never see anything more than mediocre results.


Successful people are ALWAYS busy. They don’t wait until “they have time” to do something, because they know they will NEVER have the time. They have to MAKE the time, and get the job DONE.

Quoting Randy Gage:

“When I first started in the business, my biggest mistake was thinking that success would come from changing others. I soon learned that success would come from changing myself. The actions you take and the examples you set create a ripple effect that impacts everything around you in a positive way. To change the world, you must first change yourself.”

Take time today to consider how these qualifications, and having a personal mentor, who’s been there, and who possesses these qualities themselves, could change the trajectory of your career forever.
I beilve in these qualifications that I tend to work on them everday and willing to help anyone who is looking for help.
For more information about healthy ways to lose weight and stay fit, get in touch, or visit my website at:
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