The Daily Meditation 12.06.2013
The Spirit of Life Some Call God is Everywhere
Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
As I look out to the beautiful mesa behind my home, I am touched by the softness snow brings to this parched land. It reminds me that the spirit of life some call God is everywhere. When we feel we most need it, if we ask and believe, we will receive a reminder of God’s beneficence. Even in the face of loss, pain, and longing, I remember that the spirit of life within me and without me connects me to every living person and thing in the world, that I am not alone, and that pain and longing can be melted away with love of self and love of others. The innermost God reaches out to the outermost God and includes all in love. No one is left out.
In this beautiful season I affirm for each person who reads these words love and fulfillment, joy and peace, laughter and happiness, but above all a deep knowing that we are surrounded by love and if we open to it, and if we give it to others, it is ours. This season of light, gifts, and celebration points out the abundance of the universe in which we live, which I accept with gratitude.
I give thanks to the divine, to Life, to acceptance of the way things are, knowing that what I affirm in belief I will experience in my life. I let my prayers go, knowing that they already are answered.
And so it is.
Marilyn O’Leary is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.