Tips on How to Improve Your Financial Situation and Save Some Money
Money goes around, money comes around. That’s how deep many people think about their finances. They tend to forget that every financial decision and activity can affect your financial health. Managing money is, in fact, a crucial activity if you want to be able to plan your future.
Our economic environment is full of uncertainty and turmoil, so it would be better not to go overboard with irrational spending. Build habits and make financial choices that benefit you in the long run. It wouldn’t be bad also having some money in your pocket when you are grey and old.
Back to the basics
Make an assessment of your current financial health and determine what your short-term and long-term goals are. You can start by calculating a net worth, which is the difference between what you own and what you owe. So, list your assets and liabilities and subtract the latter from the former. The figure can fluctuate, so calculations should be made on a regular basis. This way you will be able to keep track of the progress and see where you can make an improvement.
On this foundation you can build a sound spending plan. This financial tool will help you spend wisely and save some money on a monthly and annual basis. It is a proactive plan, since it allows you to project the income and the expenditures. Don’t forget a single category like rents, interest and dividends, bonuses, savings, insurance etc.
If the expenditures seem to be winning, you should adjust the budget. There are two basic ways to pull this off- to cut the expenses or increase the income. Sounds simple, but it’s not at all. Consider the essentials that most people spend the most of their money on: food, housing and transportation. Try to make some positive changes in all three categories.
Shrink your bills, cook more often, go on foot and use a bicycle whenever possible. From selling your clothes on eBay to making your own bread, there is no shortage of creative ways to tackle financial problems.
If you, however, end up with a surplus, you can use it to invest, save or spend money. When it comes to investment, stock market is good hunting ground for cash. For example compare Binary brokers to those operating in the regular stock market, and see if you can imagine yourself doing something like that. You might also want to start trading in cheap stocks called the penny stocks, which require only a small initial investment. Earning money from multiple sources is a reliable way to improve your finances indeed.
Blurred lines
Lifestyle is one of the main causes of excessive spending. If people earn more, they tend to spend more. This is the notorious phenomena that some call the lifestyle inflation. Although everything seems fine at first, in the long run it can be devastating to your budget. So, who cares if your peers drive Porsches and drink the most exquisite wines? Behind that fake glow, an enormous debt and unrealistic projections may be hidden.
Nobody says you should refrain from enjoying life and spending hard-earned money on things you like. Quality of life and spare time are a priority too. But, put it on the paper, and see if the math works. Remember that you should also plan for emergencies, and face the retirement ready.
Ask yourself whether you need something, or you just want it. Yes, I know the lines are a bit blurred here, but needs should be on the top of your list. Always keep in mind that little things can improve your financial situation, and that every spending choice counts.
Our house in the middle of a street
Long-term financial planning requires some basic math and commitment. The sooner you start saving, the better. Adjust your financial habits, and be on the safe side. If you leave the finances to chance, that’s a good way to end up with an overwhelming debt or broke.
Instead, put effort to determine your net worth and personal budget every now and then. This will give you a clear picture about your financial health, and in which direction to move. Set your financial house in order and don’t risk losing the one you live in.
Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in marketing and business related topics. In her free time she enjoys reading about latest news in advertising and business promotion.
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Thank you Terri and yes I was also bad with my finances years ago but like you say it takes planning.
Thanks Merle for sharing this information. I'm sure it will help a lot of people. I do pretty good with my finances, at one time I wasn't so good with it. It took planning and of course writing it down too. Great tips by Diana Smith.