True Cellphone story
I had to pay my cellphone bill before xmas this yr. I was having trouble paying it over the phone so I went to the US. Cellular store to pay my bill.
I gave her my card and some guy was there talking to me telling me he was an ex cop. So he and I were talking about crazy things that go on. She asked me for my pin number. She would not give me my card back and told me she did. He even said yea I saw her give it to you. When did they start needing your pin to pay a bill anyways?
Well he saw my card when i gave it to her but not when she gave it to me. I said no if you did I would have it on me either in my pocket or back where I keep it. I got so freaked out that I went all the way back home and went to the bank first thing and canceled that card and went back to pay my bill again. That same girl saw my card and she goes you got a new card? I said yes I will not have anyone steal from me again. She got mad that I had a new card. I called the customer service and they defended her.
This world is full of criminals and bad people. I don't think that guy was a cop either.
I don't go out of my way to hurt or do people wrong so I don't want them to do that to me either. I believe in being honest and show love and respect. Respect is a big thing with me. I can't stand disrespectful people. I get mad when I see people do elderly wrong also. Just think you will be that old soon and your going to want someone to help you and if you don't want them to do you wrong then don't do others wrong either. You will pay for your disrespect later on down the line.
It's like these Plexus products. if I didn't think they were all that good I wouldn't waste my money on them either. I wouldn't share the information about em, but I love what they do for me and for my friends and family so heck yea I'll share the information. I don't like to see anyone hurting or in pain. I can never work in a nursing home or hospital because I don't like to see the pain in people. I do help others everyday though.

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