Try Something New


Someone once said,"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic." 

Sometimes we're tempted to give up because whatever we're doing doesn't work. When that happens,we have to try something new. As long as we're making progress in life, we will have new opportunities and face new challenges. We have dreams and goals that we want to pursue, but we also need solutions to the challenges that we experience along the way. If we know what to do, then we need to do it. If we don't, then we need to do it. If we don't, then we have the privilege of trusting God to guide us. 

The Bible says we are to do what the crisis demands and then stand firmly in our place. (Ephesians 6:13) Do what you can do and God will do what you cannot do.

As we continue learning to be determined and to not give up, we must understand how to embrace new things. Many times we say we want something new and then when new things come, they frighten us.

We all know new experiences and opportunities can be daunting, but they don't have to be. If we insist upon clinging to old methods, old ideas, old friendships, or old mind-sets and refuse to accept or embrace the new, we aren't going to progresss in our lives. 

The Lord wants us to go forward-as far and as fast as God's will dictates without giving up when you face a challenge that requires you to think or act in a new way. 

Have you noticed God doing new things in your Life? You gotta embrace it with passion. He doesn't want you suffering or settling for little things. He has BIG plans for us all if we just took that chance and not ignore it.


The question we need to ask when we face a new situation is, "Is this God's will for me? We should always put God first before anything we do in life if we want to go far in life. If we believe it is God's will, we can trust God to provide everything we need each step of the way. 

As we fallow Him, we will find ourselves in unfamiliar places, uncomfortable places, or places in which we may be unsure of ourselves. Our Journeys may not be easy, but personally, I would rather follow God intoa new and uncomfortable place then remain in a place that is no longer life-giving for me.


 Sharing Quotes:

Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first~ Frederick B. Wilcox

Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?~ Frank Scully

If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul.~Drew Barrymore

Why wait when you can get the help you need right here?


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