Today you will find out how to unleash the Twitter power to promote your blog along withTwitter On Your Blog. As you might have already guessed, the first thing to do is make sharing more visible on your blog posts and encourage your visitors to share your content. Put sharing buttons at the top of your posts above the fold. Alternatively, you can use GetSocial - my floating social media sharing plugin to use Twitter On Your Blog.

Track Twitter On Your Blog
Use Twitter On Your Blog By Adding Twitter Buttons
Next, add some Twitter buttons to your blog’s sidebar to use Twitter On Your Blog. Apart from Tweeting your links, there are buttons you can use to let people follow you, follow your hashtag, or mention you on Twitter on your blog. Use these buttons as you find appropriate. You can also use Twitter Widgets to let people follow your Twitter activity right on your site.This is a great way to use Twitter On Your Blog.
Next thing I would recommend is to automate Twitter On Your Blog by tweeting of your new blog posts. Sign up for a TwitterFeed account and add your blog’s RSS feed to it. TwitterFeed will automatically send out tweets as and when you publish new articles on your blog.
You might have noticed that many people are skeptical about providing their email address while commenting on posts on your site. This is especially true with new visitors with whom you have not yet had a lot of interaction. Twitter can be of help here by adding Twitter On Your Blog. Idea is to let people comment on your site without revealing their email address. Let them login with their Twitter account. If you are on WordPress, simply install the Simple Twitter Connect plugin to put Twitter On Your Blog. It is a very powerful Twitter Integration Suite for your WordPress blog. It works seamlessly with the Simple Facebook Connect plugin we talked about previously. Ideally you can have both options. You can allow people to comment with their Facebook or Twitter account.
Powerful Technique To Boost Twitter On Your Blog

Spread Twitter On Your Blog
Lastly, I will give you a very powerful technique to boost retweets on your site. Everyone loves giveaways and freebies. You can offer PDF reports or eBooks in exchange for a tweet. This means, people have to tweet a link before they can access your product. I would recommend using the service called Pay with a Tweet. Simply fill out the details and this service will create a Pay with a Tweet button with unique URL. Display the button on your site. Once people tweet the link you specify or share it on Facebook, they’ll automatically get a direct link to download your file.
Using Twitter On Your Blog is a great way to cross promote twitter and your blog.
Thanks Ced
What a smart idea Timothy. Getting extra exposure for our blogs is vital. You've pointed out what seems to be a simple way to implement getting more exposure every time we post a blog. Thanks so much. Much success to you as you help online marketers explore new ways to get more exposure for their blogs.
Thanks Ron.
By the way, the tweet birds have your message also.
Awesome information and great tips for sending your blogs viral. Thanks for the ideas.