Sometimes what we think are great ideas
just don't work. For whatever reason, they
just flop.
You have probably brainstormed and came
up with an idea you just knew would fly.
Everything in you just knew it was what
people were looking for. Research panned
out well. The market seemed to be ripe. The
people you consulted with were all very
positive. Success was inevitable, so you
I had such a project. Being an entrepreneur
and a pastor, I often thought about ways I
could engage believers online to make a
difference for the Kingdom of God.
I was convinced that because every Christian
loved Jesus and had a testimony, they would
be willing to share it online. To me this was a
no brainer. As believers we are instructed to
go into all the world and preach the gospel.
What better way for believers to engage with
the great commission than to share their faith
through their testimonies.
I had it all set up. Folks who liked to write
could write out their testimonies. Folks who
liked to talk could put their testimony on audio.
Those who weren't camera shy could share
their testimony on video. All these testimonies
would be placed on their personal websites.
The simplicity of this project was, it was a
one time deal. Whatever way a person chose
to share their testimony, it would only have to
be one time and they were done.
I know tons of folks who support ministries all
over the world. My thought was the people
who shared their testimony would be supporting
their own ministry. Because their testimony
would be online, they would be reaching the
world 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
What flabbergasted me more than anything else
was one of the components of the campaign was
basic discipleship. I knew that not everybody could
put their testimony together by themselves. So the
concept was to have each person who successfully
put their testimony on their own website, help those
who needed help.
Here's the flabbergasting part. Every person who
helped another person get their testimony on their
own website would be compensated $1 for every
month those testimonies remained on those websites.
If you're in network marketing you've no doubt heard
the term, "use, recommend and sponsor." Basically
I changed the terminology to, "love, testify and disciple."
See the similarities?
Talk about an idea that didn't work. The Winning Souls
Campaign was an idea that didn't work. Well , it didn't
work like I anticipated. Oh, we still have quite a few
people still participating and folks who are still signing
up periodically. But that's not what I envisioned.
The point of this article is things don't always work
like we think they will. We can quit or we can continue.
Even though it has not worked out to my satisfaction, I
still believe God has a plan for this project.
My target audience is Christian Entrepreneurs. My hope
is there will be some who see the importance of sharing
their faith on their own websites with us.
What I thought was a Godsend was using .ws websites.
I immediately thought of Winning Souls when I saw .ws.
My heart leaped with joy knowing other believers would
see how big a deal this was. They haven't yet. But I still
believe they will.
Website.WS (Global Domains International) is been around
for a long time. They are still paying a residual income to
people like me every month. I keep thinking how awesome
it would be for believers to share their love for Jesus via
their testimonies and help others do the same. On top of
that, those who were adept at helping others share their
testimonies would be compensated just because people
would be using .ws websites to share their testimonies
and help other believers do the same.
My heart still leaps from time to time because I believe my
assignment won't be complete until thousands of believers
are sharing their faith using .ws websites. What greater
purpose do entrepreneurial believers have than to go into
all the world and preach the gospel? God hasn't given up
on His church so I can't either.
There is so much more I could tell you. Perhaps later.
Continued success to you,

See how I use my .ws website
Loving the great comments. Continue to think about people you know who love Jesus, have a story to share and are willing to help others who love Jesus share their story. These are the folks I believe will join me.
Great article Pastor Ced. As long as the heart leaps, then there's still hope in the Dream. "It shall come to pass." Believing with you. God Bless. Liked and Shared.
Thanks for all the kind remarks. I continue to think it's a great idea as well. It's kept my feet to the fire to continue to reach out to Christian Entrepreneurs and encourage them to share their faith on a .WS website and earn a residual income at the same time by helping others share their faith. It's all about sharing the goodness of Jesus using a simple tool called a .WS website.
As a Christian and a pastor, I can't give up on the great commission. There are so many people waiting to hear the stories of believers all over the world. In this internet society, what better way to get the good news of Jesus out to a lost and dying world than the testimonies of believers. This project is dear to my heart. I'll just keep on testing and tweaking it until we hit our stride. The great commission isn't my idea. I'ts God's. I'm just a willing participant.
As others have said Ced, this is a great idea. Don't give up. This post is a wake up call to others who believe in Christ. Have a blessed weekend. Shared this so everyone possible can read it.
Keep on keeping on, Ced! It sounds like a great whose time hasn't come yet. Blessings!!!
Great idea and great post.
Thanks Terri. I'm in the adjusting stage now. Referencing my own quote, "I believe my
I will say this Ced. Plan, Do Review and Adjust. This is words of wisdom from my mentor. If you feeling it like that, then it shall be my friend. I have shared it out to the universe for more to see.
You're welcome Wendy. You have a great weekend also.