Why a job is not always
the best solution
Hello everyone!
The other day I saw an article about how people (even the people that are fresh out of college) are struggling finding jobs. It's just so sad to read those articles.
That is why here at La Bella Baskets, we talk about residual income a lot. We are on a mission to see many hit 14k-30k in residual income (working part-time).
We feel it's important for people to always be building residual income. Residual income is when you do the work one time....and your still getting paid for your work!
Why is it important to build residual income?
You see, you never know what life will throw your way.
Perhaps you might....
* Get laid off
* Get downsized
* Develop an illness or
* Need to take care of a loved one
Or what happens when we the economy gets crazy and jobs are hard to find (like what we are experiencing now).
If one of these events happens to you? where will your next check come from?
Listen, if you have a job, that is great, but always be building something on the side that will continue paying you, even if you stop working! This way if life gets in the way, you won't have to worry about where your next check will come from.
We can't rely on the government, politicians or the president to take care of us. Let's become proactive and step up and start building something for our families. Something that we have control and build as much residual income that we desire.
Yes, it will take some energy but it will be worth it. Don't get sidetracked and join things that say you will make tons of money your first month or that no work is required to make big money at home. Those things almost never work out.
We all know that anything worthwhile building takes time and energy.
So if you want peace of mind and don't mind working a few hours every week, we can show you how to build a nice residual income for you and your family. We have training and support in place for you.
Just the other day, I saw a post to our Facebook group from one of our new consultants (Jenn McClain). Jenn has been with us for just a few short months. She is a stay at home mom and has struggled making income at home until she found La Bella Baskets.
With her permission, I'm sharing her post..
Keep in mind that she has only been her a few months and $142.50 is residual income. We have no doubt that if she keeps plugging away, she will easily hit 14k-30k in residual income working part time!
Every time I read posts such as Jen's, it makes my eyes well up in tears, especially knowing that even when Jen was going through some health issues, her check grew!
And there are countless others like her, some now making making more - some making less - it all depends how much time you want to put into your La Bella Baskets business. What matters is that they are all doing what they love AND building a great residual income while making a difference in people's lives.
Isn't it time you live the life you've wanted and build something dynamic for you and your family?
Just in case you don't now yet, our company has an April promotion. Anyone can get started today.
You can start your own gift basket and flower business and start building residual income for just $24.95 a month!
Sign up this month and receive your website and back office free for an entire year.
or call me at: 1-888-282-0918
Looking forward to working with you!
Wendy Hosman