This recent article “7 Unexpected Signs You're a Lot More Successful Than You Think” by Jeff Hadden which appeared on Stumble Upon, will give you a new perspective on your success.

As the author says, “Once in a while, you need to stop and smell your roses: Not only is it good for you, it will motivate you to plant even more. “

He goes on to say that, If you compare yourself to certain people it's easy to feel you're unsuccessful.

After all, there are many super successful people to use as role models but it should not become anything more than that.

Again quoting the author about comparisons, “No matter how successful you feel, there will always be someone who is more successful. There will always someone better, or smarter, or wealthier, or seemingly more happy.”

He suggests focusing on yourself and what you have going for you.  He’s come up with a few signs that you're more successful than you might think--and, probably, happier too:

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Abundant Success &Blessings,

Sandy Blomstrom

Help others achieve their dreams, and you will achieve yours. Les Brown

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