Hi Everyone! I am George Pierce, and this post is about a mnemonic phrase that will help you to create better ads, as well as save you time. A mnemonic device or memory device is a technique that aids information retention or retrieval, in other words, it is a way to help us to remember. The phrase that I am sharing is NOT something that I learned in advertising, it is actually from public speaking. This mnemonic applies to both public speaking and creating an ad.
2. Why bring that Up
3. So What
Step one, begin your ad with a Ho Hum!?? You need to grab your audience's attention. Grabbing attention is not an option, it is a must. Prospects are not even going to read your ad without an attention-grabbing title.
Step two is a brief explanation. In step two, you want to create 'desire' and/or 'interest'. Why should your prospect want to take action? Tell them.
Step three is the So What, which is to tell or ask your reader or viewer to take action. This is called a CTA which is short for call to action. Very very few people will take action if you do not ask or tell them to, so be sure to include your So What.
The fact that this mnemonic is three steps will also help you, in that ads need to be short. The job of your ad is to get your readers or viewers to take action, so keep the distance between your attention grabber and your CTA short.
Try this mnemonic device, it will help your ads.
Thank you for reading.
George Pierce
Exactly how I do it too. Thanks George Pierce for sharing this.
It is what I used before I learned AIDA, which I changed to AIDRA by adding reassurance, which I think is great for sales pages and perhaps landing pages, but I believe short ads work best, and this mnemonic is a good fit. Thank you, Terri.