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A Weight Loss Affiliate Option To Avoid


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce, this is a quick post about an affiliate that is not worth checking out.  The affiliate is FuturHealth (the e is missing on purpose).  It is in the weight loss niche. What is different about FuturHealth is they are the first all-encompassing online weight loss medication program that allows users to be prescribed semaglutides such as Ozempic.  Their approach is for the visitor to take a quiz to see if they qulify.  The quiz gathers info and also does an excellent job of "selling".  All this sounds great, so I decided to ceck them out.  

Reddit, Consumer Affairs, and the BBB are littered with complaints.  In most cases, the customers complain that their charges are higher than they were told.  Some complaints are to be expected, even the best companies cannot please everyone all the time, but FuturHealth's complaints seem excessive and they have a 1 star rating out of 5 (Consumer Affairs).  

This post is based on my research only, not my actual experience.  As an affiliate, you want to avoid some companies because of poor service, over pricing, scam-like tactics, and so on, so take a few minutes to do a little research, BEFORE you join.

Thank for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. For free make money online training, visit my YT training channel.


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    Research is good for those that take the time to do it. This way you can make an informed decision. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Research was almost 'forced' onto me.  I started in the weight loss niche because I had lost weight and was managing to keep it off, and wanted to share what I had learned, of course, I got NO visitors.  As far as reputable affiliates, it is much better nowadays, but, for example, I learned that not all affiliates will pay you, or that affiliates can 'diappear'.  This barely happens now, but bad service is still an issue with a few, and we need to avoid them, thank you, Terri.

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