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A YouTube Loophole! Maybe?


HEY Everyone!  I am George Pierce, and this post is about a YT loophole that you can try to help you with your Faceless Video strategy.  I have only tried this trick twice, so I am a bit reluctant to share it but it has so much potential to help you (and me) accelerate your channel growth. Allow me to let you know about this loophole.  

The loophole is to use snippets, clips, sketches, etc. instead of a full episode or a full video.  

As you may have already discovered, there are some fantastic videos on the Internet Archive, in the Library of Congress, and so on. Often, there is one part of the video that is outstanding, or perhaps we cannot get it published on YT. 

An alternative or loophole is to use a clip from the video.  You will need a video editor to trim the video, outstanding free editors are Clip Champ, an online editor, OpenShot, and ShotCut, downloadable editors are also terrific and free.  

*****This video has been removed by the moderator*****


 Above is an example of this trick.  

As mentioned, this is only my second time using this trick, it has worked so far, however, YT might step in at any time

and decide that one or more of my clips need to be taken down.  

Should you decide to try this, do so at your own risk.


What I do not want is for me to have any advantages or tricks when sharing my Facelss Video Training, such as this trick or any other trick.  The idea of me having an advantage is not the issue, the idea is that I want you to be aware of, and have available every advantage that I can find.  I will keep you posted on how well this works or does not work.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  You are invited to my free Faceless Video Training, which is a way to work from home uploading videos to YouTube without creating videos or spending money.  


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  • Top Video Contributor


    This is NOT a good loophole after all.  Many channels use this loophole, they may be doing something that I do not know.  If I find a way to make it work, I will pass it on.  Thank you for reading.

  • Top Member

    Sounds like this will work, however proceed with caution as you stated. Your warning is noted. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I am trying to keep users informed, and hopefully give then an edge.  Thank you, Terri.

    • Top Member

      I believe you're doing a great job and people will know where to come when they need help or information. 

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