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A YouTube YES!


Hello!  I am George Pierce and this post is about the most valuable strategy that will help you on YouTube or any other online venture.  I am primarily a content marketer and my number one strategy for creating online content is to build the content around a keyword(s) or keyword phrease(s) that has/have good search and less competition.  There is one trick that beats that strategy.  What is it?

Pay attention to what your viewers or visitors are interested in.  If one of more of your vidos or websiites or blog posts, etc. are getting better than usual traffic and your viewers and visitors are staying, this is a strong signal that they like the content. here for the answer to the riddle...

Obviously, do more of it.   When your audence shows more interest than usual, in your content, give them more of it.  


Make your content unique or different or both. 

With more and more content being created with AI, viewers and readers welcome fresh content, different content, new content, origihal get the point.  Even if you use AI, take the tiime to put it in your own words.  

Above is a STRANGE EXAMPLE of how AI helped make a totally original video!??  The riddle in the video is based on a riddle about two trains heading toward each other.  I changed the scenario (instead of trains, Hermione and Ron are on a collision course) and changed the parameters (speeds and distance), instead of a bird flying back and forth between the trains, it is Harry Potter, then handed it over to Chat GPT to do the math.  

The end result is new and original content for a hungry market!

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free make money online training, visit my YT training channel.


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Terri Pattio



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