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Activity Creates Activity


Hello!  I am George Pierce, this post is about attitude and success.

I believe that we are all aware that our attitude determines our altitude,

but most businesses online and offline have drastically changed their 

attitude lately.  The mindset of today is to 'Close It Down'!


When a business is not doing well, shut it down.  

The old school attitude was 'Fix It'.

For several years that was my job...fix locations that were failing.

There are very few situations that can justify shutting down ( such

as a major employer moving from a small town), most of the time,

it is simply bad management.  


Online, the same applies.  I do not mean to label struggling and aspiring

entrepreneurs as bad managers, they simply have not learned what they

need to learn.  Since my early days online were pitiful, I feel that most

newbies are in the same shoes that I wore.

Instead of abandoning your business, there are two easy steps

that you can take to begin changing your results.

The first is to adopt a FIX IT attitude, so change your attitude.

Second is a tip that truly works, I have used this online and offline.

It is to employ the strategy that

'Activity Creates Activity'

A few offline examples that I have used are 

Junk Sales ~ Clean out your warehouse or storage and have 

a Saturday junk sale. Do it often.

Adopt A Pet ~ Once a month, your local animal shelter should be

happy to cooperate.  You should be able to get free advertising.

On-Site Sales ~ Manager Specials, Holiday Sales, etc.

Off-Site Sales ~ Share your product or service in a high-traffic location.

I believe that this is rarely used cause it is a pain, but it works and 

you are doing something your competitors are not. 

Radio or TV Remotes ~ this always brought in traffic, and I was a 

local HAM!

Give Aways! ~ If applicable, give something away as an incentive,

such as a free appetizer, free dessert, or a sample.  I gave away 

'wooden nickels' which could be used for a soft drink or coffee

for a nickel.  

Be Creative! ~ One of my locations was in a busy mall with a DMV.

The last week of the month, there was a huge line out the door. 

We created a limited menu (literally FAST food) and made hundreds

in extra revenue that last week of the month ~ today it could be thousands.



For your ONLINE Business:

Share EVERYTHING you do!  Use social media to get the word out.

Engage with everyone who engages with your content.  This creates

more engagement as well as making search engines take notice.

Be ACTIVE and Consistent.  When you are active and you are consistent,

you build a following and 

consistency assures steady growth.


Above is a snapshot of one of my business email providers.  It is an example

of what can happen when you are ACTIVE and engaging.  Things do 

happen and they will happen, all it takes is activity which breeds activity.


Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.   For free training to help you make money online, I invite you to 

visit my Internet Marketer Training channel.


PPS.  Allow me to add one more four-letter word ~ WORK

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  • Top Member

    I love the title of your post, it fits what you're talking about (attitude and success.). You outdid yourself George Pierce once again. The information you shared is what people need to know. 5 stars for this blog post. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      In one biz, in my second month, I made $30K...that is what went into my pocket, I used the above.  When I left that location, my DM took my job.  The bottom line is that activity creates activity online or offline, thank you, Terri.  

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