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Add FAN To Your Channel Name!??


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce and this post is based on a recent YouTube update.  If you are following my Faceless Video strategy as a way to make money on YouTube without having to make videos, please read on.

A recent YouTube update indicates that YouTube is changing the way that they look at re-used content.  My adaptation of the faceless video strategy is to use videos that are already made.  This is great, it makes things fast and easy, but it means that you and I are RE-USING video content. Since we are not the creators of the content, YouTube wants us to 'differentiate' ourselves, which is fine.  

One way to do that is to add FAN to your channel name and it is a good idea to do this before the first of next month.  

My channel name is now Mr. P's Classic Television Fan as you can see above.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  If you are not familiar with my faceless video strategy, it is a simple three-step process, there is no skill needed and there is NO cost.  

Click here to watch my step-by-step video to see if this is right for you.  

PPS.  What I am doing is not only free and easy, it is fun!


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  • Top Video Contributor

    Thank you, Terri.  I think I will change the word FAN to FANS, either way, should be fine with YT, I think fans might work better for viewers. 

    • Top Member

      I think you're right, go with your intuition, it's usually right. 

  • Top Member

    Thanks for the heads up about the YouTube changes. No doubt in my mind that it works. I shall remember this advice from you.

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Terri Pattio



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