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Hello All,

I am George Pierce.  This post is about AIOP.  AIOP is short for a marketing platform called All In One Profits.  In my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, AIOP is the best way to get started online.  AIOP provides you with a complete set of marketing tools, EVERYTHING you need to get started, all in one place, and at the lowest price.  You can get started for $12.50 a month.  

You will be provided with quality web hosting along with what is called an unlimited autoresponder.  An autoresponder is an online automated software system that you can use to set up sequential emails that will be sent automatically at specified intervals to those who join your list.  

If you are considering an online business, or if you have a business and would like to create an online presence, AIOP has all you need and MORE.  


AIOP provides you with the training that you will need...sincerely, some of the best training on the Internet.  

With AIOP, you also have the option to promote AIOP.  If you are new and need a product to promote, AIOP makes it easy. AIOP provides you with links, banners, pre-made email campaigns, and follow-ups.  In other words, while you are learning from the AIOP training videos, you can use "done for you" campaigns, or you can use AIOP campaigns whereby AIOP does the follow-up.  

List building is the backbone of any online business. AIOP teaches you to list build.

You are also going to need a website and a blog, AIOP provides you with web hosting that allows you to use what is called Softaculous.  Softaculous provides you with 100s of website options such as WordPress, Concrete, Drupal, etc. along with other options such as forums, social sites, auction sites, dating sites, video sites, and on and on.  Of course, AIOP includes training on how to use Softaculous, as well as how to create a WordPress site.  

In addition, you are going to find that you will need help with things such as your cPanel (web hosting control panel). FTP (Flie Transfer Protocol ~ uploading), social media, splash page building, funnel building, email marketing, blogging, graphics, images, icons, buttons, and more.  AIOP has you covered. 

Before you spend $100 to $300 a month or more on comparable marketing packages, check out AIOP.  I have been using them for years, and you will discover as I have, that AIOP gives you the most at the best price.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Click the banner below for a free tour of AIOP


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Payment Confirmation will be sent to your inbox. Be watching for it, also you'll get relevant details that you should know. 

Terri Pattio



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