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300K FREE Searches! PROOF!


Hello ALL!  I am George Pierce, this post is about how you can get Google and YouTube to give you free exposure, over 300K eyeballs on your content, by getting your content on page one of Google search and YouTube search, and totally for FREE!  There are four simple ingredients. 

#1 Consistency.  When you post your content regularly, you are much more likely to gain the attention of your visitors, viewers, and search engines.  It is almost like we have to prove that we are worthy by being consistent.  

#2 Value.  Your content must provide value.  There is no wiggle room.   Nowadays, search engines know when content has value, regardless of its format.  YouTube and Google can also judge the value of your content by how your visitors or viewers react and engage.  When people stay on your site, visit numerous pages, watch your videos to the end, and watch more videos, like, share, and comment, the search engines know.   When the search engines see that your content has value, they are much more willing to give you the exposure that you need and deserve.  

#3 Keywords.  Keywords are the words that a prospective visitor or viewer would type into their search box when looking for your content.  Keywords make it easier for search engines to be able to send the right people to your web page, blog post, video, etc.  When they send people to your content and these people like your content, they send you more and more and more.  This is how content can go viral.

#4 Sharing.  Sharing your content gives you an edge because you are letting people know.  Sharing is a way to help you to jump-start your traffic, and it is free. When search engines see the traffic that you have created by sharing, and they see that people like your content, they are more likely to send you traffic.  Sharing is not just the exposure, it is more. and when you are getting started, it can act as a catalyst to get the search engines to notice you.




Above is a composite snapshot, Google Search is on the left, and YT Search is on the right.  Below that you can see that according to Ubersuggest, a free Chrome extension, there are 14, 800 searches on Google monthly, and per Keyword Explorer, another free Chrome extension, there are 286K searches per month on YT, a total of over 300K!   The first and second spots on Google and the top spot on YT are Mr.  P's Game Show Fans, which are my video uploads.  I know that my getting this kind of exposure does not help you, but I share what I am doing in a simple three-step process that anyone can follow.  I am applying it to an adaptation of the Faceless Video process, but marketing is marketing, which means that you can use my process to fit your needs and it is free.  All the tools and resources that you will need are also free.   

One of the reasons why this works so well is that almost no one on YouTube is marketing.  If you want your videos to be seen, if you want your channel to grow, learn a little marketing, you will be glad you did.  I invite you to watch my training video.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  The two Cash Cab videos are in my top ten videos.  When something is working, do more of it.  I was searching for more Cash Cab videos, thus my satisfying discovery.  Check out my free training so you can do the same. 




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  • Top Member

    Wow this is proof that what you're doing is working great for you. The stats you shared tells me so, and this is validation about your Faceless video strategy. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I applied Internet Marketing to YT and it is working, thank you, Terri.   Getting to page one on YT was one of the perks of TubeBuddy, they say the way to page one on Google is by way of YT, and it seems to be true.  

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