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Ask And You Will Receive



Hi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is about a simple trick you can use to help get feedback.  The best way to online success is to give your visitors or viewers what they want.  Some awesome free research tools such as Ubersuggest and Keyword Explorer can help, as well as other methods such as Google Search, Google Trends, and YT Search.  

The best method, however, is to ask!  Yes, ask your visitors and viewers what they want!  Unfortunately, this strategy has been used, over-used, and abused.  I am not saying you should not use polls, surveys, and questions.  I am saying that when you ask for feedback, it will be more effective if you strive to be more creative. 

Above is an example.  

The image was made with Canva which is free and easy to use.

You can add text such as a header or subheader and then a poll or survey box. On WP, you can use a survey or a poll plug-in, on a regular web page, a survey or poll may be a drag-and-drop option, slide it below your image and text.  If not, there are free sites online that you can use for creating a feedback box.  

Asking still works, but, in my opinion, avoid the words 'survey' and 'poll' and use words such as 'help us improve' and 'help us serve you better'.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Allow me to invite you to visit my YT channel, for free make-money online training.


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  • Top Member

    Wow George Pierce this is a superb press release today. I have to agree with every word you said and the image you shared at the top is fantastic because it sets the tone for your message about this post. This is what I call creative imagination, because it plays an important role when you're an online business marketer. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I think 'creative imagination' is a perfect choice of words and I agree that it applies to all aspects of MMO, thank you, Terri.  

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