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Top Video Contributor


Hello!  I am George Pierce.  This post is about bad information and bad training concerning TikTok 

reposting.  The "PROMISE" is that you can make $K daily on TikTok reposting videos.  Critiquing or criticizing

is not my intent, but I use and advocate a faceless video strategy for YT that legally uses already-made videos

for posting on YT.  The similarity in the strategies prompts me to make this post. 

I believe that the bad TT training is a result of 'Gurus' who are sharing third-party information 

without doing any research.  I use the faceless video strategy, I do not use the TT reposting strategy, but,

to the best of my knowledge, the following is accurate.


There are two forms of reposting on TT.  You can repost your own content, you can repost other 

people's content.  

Reposting on TT is perfectly OK.


Reposting Other People's Content

The 1K A DAY promise is based on reposting other people's content.  You cannot repost other people's 

content without their permission. In other words, the only content that you will be able to repost is content

that permits you to repost, so the only content that you will be reposting is content with no legal or copyright issues to worry about.  However, as far as I

know, TT will only share your reposted content with existing followers.  

What this means is that if you are starting a new TT channel with no followers, and if you are reposting content, TT

will share your reposted content with existing followers, which is NO ONE!

Reposting your content

This is not something that you want to 'wear out'. but reposting your own content can have advantages.

On occasion, you are going to create a TT video that you know is great, but no one is watching it.  In that 

case, change the tags, change the description, change the title, and so on, and repost.  It is probably a good idea.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce



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  • Top Commentor

    You did the research George.  So if you're a new user on TT and don't have any followers no one is watching your content.  I haven't used TT but this is good information to have.  As well as the work around you suggessted to get viewers.  I understand what you mean also, about people putting erroneous information.  But that's why it is so important for people to do their own due diligence.  Because they're in it to make money.  There is nothing wrong with that, we all want that.  However, you don't want to mislead people either.   Last but not least, I like the joke and the image.  The image gave me an idea. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      The good news is that I have found two YT channels in just the last two days, that I can learn from.  One is a black beard channel, he is so good.  The other is a review channel, and I do a lot of reviews.  Not all gurus are bad, but, as you say, we have to do our homework, thank you, Robin.

    • Top Commentor

      I know all gurus aren't bad, but they're busy, and maybe they forget that they assume that the people following them know what they're doing.  But there are others who like you George, who take the time to answer questions and show us step by step what to do.  And I've learned, at the end of the day, you won't know how until you take action.

    • Top Video Contributor

      "I share what I do, I do what I share."  applies to almost everything I share.  My biggest concern is that much of what I do is done fast, so I have to slow down and make sure I do not overlook sharing the little details. Thank you, again, Robin.  

    • Top Commentor

      I don't think it's too fast George, that's what the rewind and replay is for. 

  • Top Member

    Tiktok might not be around if they're banned. I haven't heard anything new on this. Have you heard anything? Anyway this is very beneficial information you have shared here today.

    • Top Video Contributor

      That has been going on with TT for a few years, let's hope they stay around, thank you, Terri.  I was appalled at the bad training, and many YTers are like some of my authoritative friends, even when they are wrong, they are convincing, thus the rebuttal.  

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