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Be on the Net & Starve, Learn Marketing & Prosper


Hi Gals and Guys!  

I am George Pierce, I have about 20 years of online experience. At the time I was new. free training was scarce, almost non-existent, and paid training was expensive.  Of course, I started out with the mentality that I did not need training...sort of a 'build it and they will come' attitude.  I soon discovered that I was WRONG!  

I actually had two problems, one problem that I knew about (NO TRAFFIC) and another problem that I would painfully discover later.  


The initial reason for my online adventure was that I had personal success at losing weight and maintaining my weight loss.  In addition, as a way of trying to scare myself into keeping the weight off, I did a lot of research about weight loss.  Furthermore, I discovered a third ingredient or component of weight loss that no one was sharing.  

I got online to share my story and my findings.  And to the best of my knowledge (this is sort of a joke), I built the most 'by God BEAUTIFUL' website that had ever been built...and no one visited it.  

So I got to work on generating traffic.  Paid traffic was a disaster, and free traffic was a huge learning experience.  There were already a gazillion ways to generate free traffic and nowadays there are many more gazillion ways.  

Once I finally began to generate traffic, I learned about my other painful problem.


My gorgeous website was a STINKY website.  It STUNK because of what I did not know such as copywriting.  It was not grabbing attention or keeping attention, the content did not flow, and the call to action was not getting conversions. 

Most of my initial online education was trial and error, mostly error.  This is not the way that I recommend, since it is probably the toughest and the longest road, but learning the hard way is still probably the best teacher.

What does all this mean to YOU?

Although there is much to learn, "creating content that converts and generating traffic" ~ once learned, will apply to almost all, if not every online endeavor, such as websites, videos, social media, blogs, etc. 

It is a skill that anyone can learn.  I believe that the best way for you to shorten the learning curve is to follow in someone else's footsteps.  Be careful and selective about whose footsteps you follow.  Based on my experience, about one in nine online training opportunities work and one in twenty YT opportunities work.  

Two free training sites that are quite helpful are Affiliorama and the Wealthy Affiliate. The free training is excellent.


If you are considering working online or struggling online, consider learning about Internet Marketing.  Internet Marketing will make a difference, it will help you to fix a stinky site and probably fix a number of problems you were not even aware of.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

Goerge Pierce

PS. For free affiliate marketing training, I invite you to check out my Internet Marketer Training Channel.

To make money on YouTube without having to make videos, I invite you to watch my Faceless Video Training.


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  • Top Member

    Thank you George Pierce for sharing your life experience of online marketing. It's a beautiful thing to share what you've learned to help people to avoid the errors and mistakes you made. This is huge because you do it with a sincere heart of helping people to be successful online. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I started giving in order to get, I started being grateful in order to get.  The motivation was wrong, but giving and being grateful are so powerful, that the right reasons soon prevail.  Thank you, Terri.

    • Top Member

      I refer to it as being a go-giver. 

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