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Hello Guys and Gals!  I am George Pierce, this post is a preview of your CB Bonus!  Your bonus is a collection of tips, tricks and secrets that you can use to accelerate your results with CB.  I do not consider myself a guru or an expert, I try this and try that and figure out what works and what works even better.  This strategy of marketing has a name, it is called Tweak and Test.  You make a change, a single change, and test its performance against your original.  Your change might be as simple as a color, font, or title change.  You then do a split test and see whether the old or the new performs better.  Then you rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat.  

Below is an example of a few discoveries that might help you.  Try them, split-test them, and see what works for you.



No one seems to be sharing this, so SHHH!  They may not know this, but regardless, it will give you a real advantage. 

Above is an example of a surprise, I was surprised, a surprise that is working. You are seeing a snapshot of a web page that has an email sign-up at the top, before everything else!  On a content page, no one else is doing this as far as I know.  I was putting videos in emails and GIFs in emails long before the big dogs started, IT IS NOT ME, it is tweaking and testing.  Again, consider trying this, it should help you. 

I share that building your list should be your main focus, so above is what I did. 


NOT ADS ~ SEEDS!  (a new spin on Pre-sell!)

Notice the four boxes on the left.  They are not ads, they are what I call seeds ~ sort of a pre-sell for ads and links to reviews and links to my weight loss with no effort section.  We use pre-sell more and more, here is a new way that you may want to try.

2000+ Words!

Create pages that exceed 2000 words and the search engines are going to be attracted like bees to pollen.  2000 words seems to be the MAGIC number.  You and I cannot just create content for content's sake, our content has to have value, but our efforts will be rewarded.  Search engines will love your content which means an ever-increasing supply of free organic traffic, and your traffic will love your content, so returns, sign-ups, and sales will follow.

12322996657?profile=RESIZE_710xDo It NOW!

I believe W. Clement Stone is credited with the phrase "Do it now!".  What you see above is proof that an unbelievable amount of people are searching for what you have to offer with this CB training.  Some of you may think that weight loss is almost seasonal,  as if everyone tries to lose weight in January, and soon after it is all over until next year.  Fortunately, weight loss is not seasonal.  In the snapshot above, the "Interest Over Time" is set at 12 months.   

The process is simple, create your content built around your keywords, such as "Lose Weight Fast", preferably over 2K words following the guidelines in this training.  Create a short video focusing on the same keywords, post it on YT, TT, FB, IG, Pinterest, Tumbler, Reddit, etc. and include a for the 'rest of the story' CTA click on the link provided (which is a link to your content).  Your content, of course, should include opportunities for your visitors to join your list and visit your affiliates.  

It is not rocket science, anyone can do this, and it is free...SO...Do It NOW!

Next is an example of how you can get even more traffic for free.


In part nine, you will see how you can use free apps such as the one above to drive even more free traffic to your channel and/or your website.  Look at the review rating, people love this, want this, need this, so find out more in my next post.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Consider joining SE, so that SE can let you know when the next post is published and visit my YT channel for more free Affiliate Marketer Training

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