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Use Comparison Marketing ~ Get RICH!


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is about using comparison marketing. This post is geared toward affiliate marketers who have some experience but are struggling to make money.  It is a strategy that works year-round but can be exceptionally lucrative around the Holidays.  

Follow these steps and make money!  I cannot legally make promises, but what follows has worked for me for years, and keeps on working,  

Join well-known affiliate programs such as Walmart, Target, Amazon, eBay, Lowes, and Home Depot.  The 'trust factor' makes sales much easier.  Set up a website, Webador is free.  Using TVs as an example, name your website based on keywords. This works for almost any product.  


For example, name your site:  Which TV Is Best 2023, then change it to 2024 on Jan 1, 2024, or include HTML to change it automatically each year.  

Make sure your KEYWORDS that you name your site after, are in your meta section and also near the top of your web page.  When your visitor searches for a keyword phrase such as Which TV Is Best 2023, and then he or she sees those KEYWORDS as they land on your page, it makes an immediate connection.  Your benefit is that your visitors are much more likely to stay, which is essential.  

I have used What TV Is Best 2023, as you see below.  


 The above image is reduced but gives you a good example of what your home page could look like.  

Base your home page on one keyword phrase, and use a keyword saturation of 1/2 to 1%.  

Your next step is to 

"Make each page a comparison page."

A comparison means that you will put three or four TVs side by side,  with images and descriptions, and customer review ratings.   Do it right, however, in other words, do the research and provide your visitors with your top 3 or 4 choices, and be sure to include a BUY NOW button


which, of course, links to your appropriate affiliate product page.  

You can also compare the same TV from 3 or 4 different retailers, mainly to compare price.  Do this with your best sellers. 

 Why this works so well is that you can build an almost infinite number of comparison pages built around KEYWORDS. 

I also recommend that you add an email sign-up form so that your visitors can keep up to date.

If you know HTML, create Dynamic Ads. Google or W3 School can help you with your HTML.  


Above is another snapshot of Keyword Explorer.  It is one of many free tools that TubeBuddy provides to help with your YT channel.  If you are new to TB, you can use related searches (bottom right in the above snapshot) to find your keyword phrases and you can use Keyword Explorer to determine how well they score.  

Why I am sharing TB Keyword Explorer is that you are going to need traffic.  The best way to get traffic is to create short videos using the content on your web pages as the basis for your videos.  Post your videos on sites such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, and share them on sites such as Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter(X), Blogger, Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc.  

Make MORE $$$$  ~  Upgrade Your Clientele!???

Notice the Keywords in the above snapshot... "best 4K TV under 1000" which is a way to make more money.  In addition, be sure to include 8K TVs with legit comparisons.  


Your biggest draws!

Above is an example of why this kind of comparison marketing works! Using the keywords, you can create one or more videos based on the phrase.  However, you do NOT want to create more than one comparison page per phrase.  Your stats will quickly inform you as to which keywords are your biggest draws.  Go back to those pages and add more content, preferably below your Buy Now button. and add your keyword phrase one or more times...again a keyword saturation of 1/2 to 1% is recommended.  Do not go over 1%.  



8K TVs are expensive, but people are buying them, so be sure to include pages with comparisons of 8K TVs and gear your pages to your audience.  Much of your 8K audience are gamers and viewers who want a life-like experience.  in other words, create 8K comparison pages for gamers, for PS5, for Fortnite, for Xbox, etc.  When you make sales, you will make even bigger commissions.  


You may have noticed that you have been flooded with Keyword Explorer snapshots and KEYWORDS in this post.  Thanks to Keyword Explorer, you and I can determine which keywords are going to be the best keywords to build our comparison pages around.  And when your visitors are searching for the best 4K TV under 1000, and that search takes them to your page and your page says (near the top) Best 4K TV Under $1000, they are extremely likely to read more, to stay on your page.  Use the SAME technique in your videos.  Let them know at the beginning of your video that it is about "Best 4K TV Under $1000".  Your viewers are more likely to watch, visit, and buy.  

 Thank you for reading.  

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. For more free affiliate marketing training, visit my affiliate marketer training channel. 

PPS.  Do not forget batteries.  You will find battery affiliates at Share A Sale.  


Santa Needs Your Help!  TVs are no longer heavy but they are still big.  

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  • Top Member

    This is excellent information, advice and tips George Pierce  it will surely help affiliate and internet marketers be successful and earn income from their efforts. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Physical products do not pay as well, but name-brand products and well-known retailers make it easier when newbies get started, thank you, Terri.  

    • Top Member

      Okay and the information you shared makes it easier so people can make an informed decision on what to sell and how to get started. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      YES!  However, this is based on my experience, opinion, and experimentation. Brand names and known retailers make a difference, especially for newbies.   Thank you, Terri.

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