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Content Sharing Tip!


Hi All!  I am George Pierce.  This post is about sharing, it is about a simple tip that may turn your results around.  After you or I post content, in the form of text, video, or both, our next step is to generate traffic.  One of the best ways to create free traffic is to SHARE, in other words, let people know.  Some of the best places to do this are social media sites.  It is quite easy to let thousands of people know about your new article, blog post, or video, it is fast, and it is free.  In addition, the quality of your traffic is going to be the best.


Above is a snapshot of a video that was posted on Reddit.  The video is getting over 100+ views per hour from one Reddit group.  

That is the tip!  HUH?

In the top left of the above image, notice that the group is Vintage TV.  Also, please notice that the video is about  1960s TV Western Promo Clips.  My point is to find groups or communities on Reddit and other social media platforms that are relative to your niche.  When you are sharing relative content, people in the group are already interested in your content.  This means that your sharing is going to generate quality traffic.  As you can see, the traffic is almost instant.  

Reddit has been very good to me and it can be good to you also.  

Again, this works on other platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter (X), and so on.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  Sharing is easy, join groups that are related to your niche, interact, have fun, and share. 

For more free make-money online training, visit my YT channel.


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  • Top Commentor

    Hi George, I just recently signed up for Reddit.  And Terri's Twitter Strategy is great for sharing and getting targeted followers. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Reddit is always surprising me and in a good way.  Engagement helps more than we realize, the search engines love it, thank you, Robin.  

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