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Hi All!  I am George Pierce.  This post is about amazing online software that makes creating animated videos easy.  The software is called CreateStudio. I recommend you look at it as a prospective affiliate and for personal use.  

The fact is that animation is the BEST attention grabber for small businesses.  The software is not free. There is a lifetime version, you pay a one-time cost of $67 and you have the CreateSudio for life.  I have been a very satisfied user for about three years.  I purchased CreateStudio and a competitor's software at the same time.  The competitor had the same deal, a lifetime option for $67.  The competitor's software was so limited that the limitations made creation difficult.  CreateStudio is so awesome that I am still learning because the software can do almost anything!  It is capable of animation that is only limited by your imagination.  The software also comes with unlimited voice-over, which, for me, was the icing on the cake. 

What I did not know!  CreateStudio is constantly creating new updates, each update is to include something new or to include something better.  The software shows the updates that I thought were automatic.  They were not!  I went to Create Studio today to watch another training video about the characters and many of the character options such as ways to animate.  But some of the options are not showing up.  Much of what I learned from the free CreateStudio training was animation, as mentioned, but some of the options were simply not there. 

12678213493?profile=RESIZE_710x The updates are available and free for life, but they are manual.  I just downloaded the latest version and it is like Christmas!  The software is more powerful than ever.  And it will do more than ever.  There are no limits such as the number of videos, the length of videos, etc. on the low-cost lifetime option and there is no watermark.  

CreateStudio advertises that beginners can create incredible videos in under 10 minutes.  One of the updates is more pre-made options. which makes creation even easier and faster.  Exactly what small businesses need.  


Making money online is considered to be one of the last frontiers, and has also been compared to gold rushes.  Most prospectors did not strike it rich, it was the ones that sold the tools that made the money.

So, visit CreatStudio today.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

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  • Top Member

    This is a nice post you have shared about CreateStudio. I'll need to watch the video again. I like a lot of the features in the video. 

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