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Hi ALL! 

I am George Pierce, this post is about another new YT channel that I have just created using my adaptation of the Faceless Video Strategy. I have been learning Internet Marketing for about 20 years, and I have discovered that one of the tricks to online success, is that when you find something that works...DO MORE OF IT!  

My Faceless Video Strategy is a way to MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE without having to make videos.  My first faceless video adventure began in mid-January with Mr. P's Classic Television Channel.   The channel is doing well, it already has over 1.1K views per 28 days and over 11.5K visits per 28 days.  All of the traffic for the channel is free organic traffic. 

Following my own advice of DO MORE OF IT, I recently created another channel that focuses on movie classics, it hit 500 views about a week ago.  and now I am launching a game show channel.   

I will, of course, be sharing my experience.  

Above is the 5-second intro.


The new channel is brand new.  So far, I have created a LOGO (see above ~ top image).  The channel also needs a BACKGROUND.  Both can be created for free with which is a free site that you can use to create almost any kind of an image.  

I am using an intro (above) and an outro (below), and sandwiching game show videos from GSN and Internet Archive in between. The intro and outro are optional, as mentioned, I am using them and recommending them.

The intro will help with branding, the outro will help with likes, subscribers, and binge-watching, you are welcome to see what I do and emulate it.  

I believe that 5 seconds is a good choice for an intro, viewers want to watch the video, so keep it short.  Twenty seconds is the length of a YT end-screen, so with a 20-second outro, add an end-screen (the second step of YT video publishing) and it becomes a perfect fit.

Above is my 20-second outro.

I used my paid video editor for the intro, you can use or which are free.  I used Pixabay for the moving video background and the dancing couple for the outro, along with the green screen option.    Open Shot is a free downloadable video editor, that will allow you to do this, and it is awesome. 

If you would like to check out my Faceless Video adaptation, I encourage you to watch my Faceless Video Training.

In my training video, I share the process which is three simple steps (in detail).  This is easy to follow, no skills are needed, all your tools are free, and there is no need to spend any money.  

My first year and a half of trying to make money online produced dismal results, if your results are similar, this WORKS!  Watch my video, it is free, and see if this might be a good fit for you.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce 

PS.  Using my strategy, I believe that the best channels to create are Classic Movies, Game Shows, and Kid's TV.  I am in the process of seeing if that is correct.  


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  • Top Video Contributor


    Allow me to add:

    This is the YT channel banner (reduced in size for SE).   It was created for free with Canva and Canva makes creation easy.

  • Top Member

    It's good to see you George Pierce and I know your results will be great with your new channel. I believe that using your Faceless video strategy is working great for you. Thanks for the tips and I have learned something new today about the intro and outro and how long they should be. 

    Oh I enjoyed the funny at the end. I love the Flintstones too. 

    • Top Video Contributor


      Thank you, Terri.  The second video is about ready to be published, this is the result for the first video.  I am very pleased.  I think game shows are going to get the most views.

    • Top Member

      I believe you're right about game shows, and I'm sure you're gonna get many views. I'm sure of that much. 

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