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Doing More In Less Time


Hello All!

I am George Pierce. I had quite a learning experience that just happened to me about the speed at which I do things, this post is not about me, it is about helping you to do more in less time.  What you are about to discover is all newbie friendly, the idea is that the more that you can do, even as a newbie, the faster that you can become profitable.  Although being profitable is not a guarantee that you will succeed, it is sincerely a considerable milestone.  

One of the main reasons for people quitting online marketing is that they are not making any money.  The tricks and tips that I will be sharing will help you to make money sooner, and to dramatically increase your chances of sticking with online marketing,

My Story

The power supply on my main laptop died on Saturday afternoon, about an hour after talking to the manufacturer who was sending me a free replacement. I have a backup laptop, so I hurry to switch things over to my backup laptop.  Sometime later that evening, my backup laptop is ready. 


My learning experience was just about, to begin with a shock!

I am used to doing several things at once...which is the core of this post...BUT...I suddenly could not.  

My main laptop is a gaming computer, I do not use it for gaming,  but it is fast and powerful.  I suddenly found out how fast and powerful.  


I immediately discovered that I had gone from a Mazerratti to a Tortoise.

#1:  If you are going to work online, try to get a faster laptop or desktop.  Computer speed is measured in GigaHertz, I believe that about 3.5 or higher is a good target.  Speed and power will make a difference.  Your computer will not bog down and therefore will not bog you down,  

#2: Create habits.

Most of what I do, I do almost without thinking. What I have tried to do is to create 'habits'.  Habits help me to include all the little details and to be able to perform tasks quickly.

#3 Multitask.  

I multitask, and when I switched laptops, my slow backup computer brought my multitasking to its knees.  I presently have five windows open, and I discovered I have as many as 30+.   For example, you can process a video, while you are uploading another, and you can download another video while that is happening.  I am presently processing a video, uploading a video, posting this in SE, and spinning an article, and I am on several social media sites where I am sharing content.  I just checked I am also doing a Google search (for content), and I am on Pinterest which is the source for images for the post, so that is seven sites.

You can multitask and you should multitask.  The reason, as mentioned, is to get more done in less time.

#4: Do more than one.  

Instead of creating one landing page, squeeze page, video, web page, post, etc., consider creating two at a time.  Once that gets easy, then three, and so on.  Personally,  5 or 10 things at a time seems to work well for me. 

For example, I share content with an average of 30 sites almost at once, and that can get a bit tedious.  Creating 5 or 10 pages, posts, videos, etc, almost at once is so much easier than you might think.  With a little practice, it may take twice as long as creating one, but when you create 10, you have increased your result fivefold.  You move ahead FIVE TIMES FASTER!

#5:  Open in a new tab.  

As you add tasks, where applicable, open each task in a new tab.  This makes going from one tab to another easy, and when a task is complete, close the tab and go on to another.

#6 Go one step at a time.

Add one thing at a time.  I am quite sure that trying to do too many things at once may be overwhelming, so add one at a time.  When duplicating your efforts, creating more than one of something, also add one at a time and consider continuing to add until it seems tedious.


As mentioned, the faster that you can become profitable, the better your chances of staying with it.  To make this online marketing work, you are going to have to stay with it, so getting more done in less time will help you.

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free training, visit my Internet Marketing YouTube channel: https://youtube,com/c/GeorgePierce

PPS.  For more help with doing more in less time, watch this:

 PPPS.  I was wrong, I have another 5 windows (tabs) open on another browser.  I also use multiple browsers, one is for websites, for example, the others are for video channels.  It makes sharing much easier.   I also use Free Download Manager to handle my downloads.   

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  • Top Member

    I will say this, I'm not a multitasker anymore and I was for a long time in the past. However I learned doing that had me scatteted all over the place. I have to make a to do list, and check each task off as I do them. This works very well for me. I'm not saying multitasking is a bad thing, but for some people it may not work. Happy to know your multitasking works for you, if it's working keep on doing your thing George. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I think going to multiple browsers is what helped to keep things more separated and organized.  I think a to-do list is a must, thank you. Terri,  

    • Top Member

      I agree with using multiple browsers, and I do sometime. However I use tabs (Chrome) more in one browser. This works well for me and I get a lot more done. Multitasking don't work for me, I have to do one or two things at a time. This way I don't make mistakes, because I don't like doing things twice. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      AHA!  Now I know why I make so many mistakes!  The idea is to get as much done as quickly as possible while doing it right, which you are already doing.  Thank you, Terri.  

    • Top Member

      Yes I remember the many mistakes I made too. However I learned that doing it right the first time is better. You're helping people by sharing what works George. Your knowledge is helping so many people. Thank you for all you do.

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