Hi All,
Above is a recent email that I received from Tumblr. Tumblr is a popular social media site that I have recently been using to share video uploads for a new YT channel. The YT channel is about 90 days old, but the Tumblr account is new. Why? The reason is that it is easy for us to bite off more than we can chew. In my opinion, it takes more discipline to NOT overdo things.
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, I believe you WANT to do everything at once. I do, anyway. As a newbie, that is exactly what I did, or tried to do, Of course, I spread myself too thin. The end result was the opposite of what I intended. Instead of getting more done, I got less done.
Whether you have websites, Yt channels, or both, sharing your new content with social media is going to benefit your cause with free traffic, It is an example of how we can easily do too much at once.
For this sharing to work, and for you to get lots of free traffic, you need to interact on that social platform. Interaction means making comments, sharing, liking, answering comments, answering questions. and so on. May I suggest that you do this interaction with 'making friends' in mind.
What I have been guilty of, is joining too many social platforms and then wondering why I am not getting traffic.
I have learned to join one at a time!
Pertaining to my recent YT channel, which is mainly about vintage TV shows, my research indicated that FB seemed to have the biggest audience. So I started sharing with FB, joined 4 FB groups, about 100K exposure, and later added a fan page and a group of my own, and, over time, added four more groups. I have added other social platforms, Tumblr, being the most recent. I may add one more FB group. and, as much as I would like to add every social media platform on the Internet, I am probably at or near my limit. I have allotted 10 hours a week, I started at nine and probably will end up at 11.
My point is to work on one thing at a time, learn it, master it, and then add more, instead of doing everything at once. I can tell you from experience that the 'everything at once' approach is not going to work.
Thanks for reading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. For free IM training, visit my YT channel
I can relate to what you're saying. I was a big time multitasker, and what helped me is a to-do list, One of my mentors told me to write down everything I needed to do for the day and number if from from 1 to 6 in order of it's importance. As you do each task on your list, then check it out on your list. At the end of the day, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment. He was definitely right about that because being a multi-tasker can be a bit much. Now I have order and not scattered all over the place. Chin up you'll get it together and everything will be alright. Thank you for this timely post as a reminder for me.
I use the same system, I have a to-do list and a top six, thanks, Terri.