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Drag And Drop Images Directly To Storage!??


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is a quickie about image storage.  If you are an aspiring Internet Marketer, it is a good idea to store the images that you use, on an image storage site. The reason is that you will ultimately use a lot of storage but NOT your own, which allows for faster page speed. Page speed is so important to our visitors, as well as the search engines.  If you and I have similar content and your pages load faster, you get the visitors!  


Above is a snapshot from the admin dash of one of my largest sites, it is from the performance stats, the average page speed is 11 Milliseconds.  This means that it takes an average of 11 Milliseconds for a page to load.  That is a little over one-hundredth of a second.  FYI, the site uses Typesetter, one of the fastest site builders.  

My point is that if you are going to be constantly adding content to your site, it is important to be storing images. I have been using Imgur dot com.  It is free, it has been around for years, and it has no limits.  In addition, it stores GIFs, as well as short videos.  Imgur has over 4K of my images in storage, and every image is still there and still works.  

If you give Imgur a try, you will find that you can drag images from sites such as Pixabay, and drop them onto Imgur.  

As you see above, open Pixabay or whichever site has the image, on one side of your screen, open Imgur on the other side, and click NEW POST.  Drag the image onto Imgur.  You are all set.  There is no need to download and then upload, making image storage as fast and easy as possible.

Thank you for reading.

Much success.

George Pierce

PS. For free make money online training, visit my YT channel.



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  • Top Member

    Yes it's a good idea to store your images on storage sites. It's called back up in case something happens to your device(s). There are plenty on the internet. I have been using a couple of storage sites for many years now. Thank you for sharing Imgur.

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