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Enjoy The Journey! Make Your Brain An Ally


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, I have over 20 years of experience online.  This post is about a trick that will help you with enjoying the journey and much more.   If you are like I was, you may be so focused on 'getting there', that you fail to enjoy the ride.  I did not realize how much I was missing out on. I believe that most of us can relate to the fact that we are NOT getting to enjoy our journey.  

The good news is that we can change that!

In fact, it is easy and you can make the change immediately. 

What I am about to share is based on my experience, what works for me should work for you, and, of course, it might not.

I discovered that 'enjoying the journey' took two steps, and both were easy.

Step one is to DECIDE to do so. 

Step two is to make it a habit.  


We all have to power to do just about anything that we put our mind to, our brain is programmed to do its best to provide us with whatever we ask or tell.  So step one is to ask or tell our brain what we want.  Believe it or not, it is almost like flipping a switch. 

Ask or tell yourself that you want to enjoy the journey and that you will take whatever actions are needed to do so.  

Step two is to make those actions a habit.  Habits happen when we regularly perform an action for about 21 days. 

What this means is that once enjoying your journey becomes a habit, it will become automatic which means that it will happen with almost no effort.  You may have noticed how some people seem to get whatever they want and with almost no effort.  You can too.

The above process works, and it works with almost any request that you have.  

There is one condition.  

You must be CLEAR about what you want.  Your brain WILL deliver what you want, as long as it knows what you want. So be clear and specific, and in 21 days, you will have a new habit.  

You can use this technique to add new habits as well as to improve or replace old habits.  


For example:  

For enjoying your journey, how about enjoying reaching milestones and goals... set those short-term milestones and goals so that you can enjoy the journey often, in addition, it is easier to make it a habit.

For other examples such as weight loss or making money, make those milestones and goals specific and short-term.  An added tip is to build some of your goals around BENEFITS, such as spending an hour or a day doing some kind of activity with friends or family or having an expensive night out with your spouse.  Be creative, you will love it, and it will actually make things easier because your brain will have a clear picture of what you want.  

This may take a little practice, but practice makes perfect.  Your brain is on your side, your brain will be your ally, but you have to help it be sure to let it know what you want and be as specific as possible.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I invite you to check out my recent online adventure, which is a way to make money on YouTube, but not make videos or spend any money. it is a way to use the Faceless Videos strategy, I have broken it down into three easy steps, watch my Faceless Video Training, and see if it is right for you. 

PPS.  If you do NOT use this above trick, your brain will use your past history as a way to determine what you want.  If you have not been enjoying the ride, if you have been gaining weight, if you have not been making the past, then your brain will help you to continue to do the same, since that must be what you want.  So the harder you try to make a change, the harder your brain works against it, so let it know what you want and be clear and specific.  


PPPS.  I was on a visit to St. Thomas with my wife and two friends and their wives when I had 

my first encounter with a Husband Day Care Center, it is a marvelous invention. 

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  • Top Member

    Fantastic and very good reading for anyone reading this post. Thanks George Pierce for knowledge, advice and tips here in the SE community. 

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