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How did it happen? My account was hacked and someone was making posts from Instagram. They linked their Instagram account to my Facebook account and made these posts and this is how I got suspended. Facebook owns Instagram and allows people to link both accounts. Now do this make sense? 


Get this, I don’t have an Instagram account.and they told me to log into my Instagram account to appeal. I can’t do that if I don’t have an Instagram account.. The name listed below is not me dominh2287



All this happened to me on Saturday, February 15, 2025. After this happened I went to Youtube to do some research on this and learned there are many videos about this issue.


The videos are all talking about  how this happened to them. This is no joke. I believe this is the new Facebook jail. Facebook will suspend your account and give you 180 days to appeal. 


Oh really. If you can’t appeal because of the situation such as being hacked and you’re not the guilty party. Now I have to suffer the consequences of someone else's behavior on my account.


What did I do? I was a victim and I believe Facebook needs to be working on getting rid of hackers on their platform. It’s obvious that they can’t do anything, because otherwise it wouldn’t be happening.


So I just wanted to give you the heads up about this when and if it happens to you. 


NOTE: Facebook lets you create a new account, and I did.  I believe that people need to know because they have changed the rules, instead of punishing the hackers, they are punishing us.


I believe this is the new Facebook jail. That’s why they say you have 180 days to appeal, this is to give them time to figure it out.

All they want is people on their site to see those ads they make money from. I have been on Facebook for a long time and it has changed a lot, and personally I believe it’s not going in a positive direction at this point. The hackers are taking over and they (Facebook support) are sitting around scratching their heads trying to figure things out.  


I know many people on here are trying to earn money from uploading videos and here’s the thing - they pay you peanuts for your video content. Yet those ads are still there on your video content. They make big money and give you peanuts. I ask you, is this fair? 


No it’s not fair. However they do it everyday and people are earning, not as much as they can.


So in closing - I leave you with this thought, if you had another social media platform you could go to with no advertising and just enjoy engaging conversation. Additionally you can promote your business using press releases and video content. 


Would you be interested in learning more about it?


If you are, then leave a comment or DM me for the information.


Respectfully yours,


Terri L. Patio

Owner of Syndication Express


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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

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  • Top Video Contributor

    My account was also hacked, I did not know that I could open a new one.  I will look into additional FB safeguards, if any are available, to prevent this from happening again, Thank you, Terri.    

    • Top Member

      Yes I created one and it went through. I just used a different email address. It went through and this post is about education for people. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I have not found any additional security features to use, it seems like Instagram may provide a way for hackers to get access, I have not tied the acccounts together (IG and FB), does that even matter?  

    • Top Member

      If you have a Facebook profile with fan pages linked to it. Facebook does allow you to link your Instagram account. That's what happened to me. However I don't have an Instagram account. The hackers used their IG account and linked to my SE fan page, and was making posts and that's why FB suspended my account. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I have two IG accounts and had 5 FB accounts, my FB gets hacked about once a year, and FB helps me fix it.  This time, there was no fix.  FB has turned into YT.  Thank you, Terri. 

    • Top Member

      Facebook took down all your accounts. Wow that's not a good thing. The hackers are outsmarting Facebook and they can't seem to stop them. They need to do something about these hackers.  


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