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Free Exposure!


Hello All!  I am George Pierce.  The most important part of online success is quality content, but it is also essential that you share your content to get as much exposure as possible.  Whatever kind of quality content you create, regardless of its format, it is not helping you or anyone else if it is not getting seen.  Syndication Express will help you to get more exposure.   

Per SE: "Syndication Express is a content syndication platform that will syndicate your content for free on TOP social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Linkedin, Youtube)." 

These are the top sires and SE will automatically syndicate your content for free. 

The above image is a small sample of what SE can do for you.  


In addition, SE itself is a great source of traffic.  Ning (above) is only outperformed by Google.  By the way, getting most of your external traffic from Google takes a bit of effort and a fair amount of know-how.  With SE all you do is post and engage.  

SE has been consistently outperforming other sources of traffic for me, for at least 2 years, it may be 3 years.  

Posting at SE gives me the benefit of SE traffic as well as syndication, it can do the same for you,

Join today, and start posting,  it is free.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS,  Take another look at my external traffic above, SE is sending more traffic than some of the biggest traffic sites on the net.  Give SE a try today.  



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  • Top Member

    Thank you George Pierce for your awesome testimony/feedback about Syndication Express. You're a valuable member here. You always share great content here. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      As you know, I run into your good work online, again and again, and two or perhaps three years ago, SE began outperforming FB for my training channel traffic and has continued to CRUSH FB and the other social media sites that I am on, as you can see. Thank YOU, Terri, 

    • Top Member

      Awesome and thank you for sharing your stats. They validate that SE does syndicate and generate traffic. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      SE is the BEST and my stats prove it, thank you, again, Terri. 

    • Top Member

      Stats don't lie. It's 3rd party validation that a product or service is great. 

This reply was deleted.

SE Member Advertising

350x350 or PRIME SPOT banner ads only. 



Make your payment and send details for your advertising to me. You will be notified of the  available spots.

Side Bar ~ Banner advertising sizes are (350x350)

1 month of banner advertising is $7.00 (PRIME SPOT - displayed at the top of page on SE press release).

Click here to make your payment now

Your 350x350 banners will be displayed on 2 other location within the community. 

Your 468x60 banner will be displayed at the top of the profile pages ~ $5.00 a month

Payment Confirmation will be sent to your inbox. Be watching for it, also you'll get relevant details that you should know. 

Terri Pattio



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