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Get Paid To Be Online!?? FREE MONEY!


Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, and I want to share how I get paid for being online, and how you can get paid as well.  Above is a snapshot of another $60+ in virtually FREE MONEY!  I get paid to do what I was already doing, which was to be online.  If you are like most people, you are online more than you might want to admit.  Whether you are on your laptop, desktop, phone, tablet, etc., you can get paid for doing what you are already doing.  


Switch your browser to Cryptotab.



As you browse with Cryptotab, your browser mines crypto...NOT YOU!  Your Cryptotab browser does all the work, you simply do what you are already doing except with your new browser which is different because it pays you to browse.


I initially switched to the Cryptotab Browser because it claimed to be faster, 8 times faster than most other browsers.  I am very blessed to be able to live in the beautiful mountains of Western NC, it is terrific.  On the other hand, my Internet is satellite Internet, which is SLOW.  So a faster browser seemed like a good idea.  It is faster, and as you can see above it will pay you for doing what you are already doing.  

In addition, switching browsers was surprisingly easy and fast.  To learn more about the browser that pays you, click here.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. There are more ways to earn, such as sharing the browser with others, as I am doing in this post, they are optional.


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  • Top Member

    Yes I can validate that Cryptotab is all that. I have been a member since the beginning and earning just like you for doing what I do everyday. Thank you George Pierce for sharing your post about Cryptotab. I published a post here on SE a long time ago. 

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