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Top Video Contributor


Hi ALL! I am George Pierce. This post is about an easy and free fix to a common online small biz problem, which is not using video marketing.

Video marketing provides you with the most potential, it beats all other marketing, so it can be and should be part of your online business strategy!

But, if you are like most small businesses you are avoiding it, you have already decided against it. Your reasons for not video marketing are that no one has the kind of training or technical knowledge to be able to do it, it would take too much time and effort to learn, and outsourcing is too expensive. Although outsourcing is a great choice, most small businesses are too small to be able to break even.

Video marketing, however, is no longer a technical nightmare, it is utterly amazing, and it is FREE!   Modern software will do almost all the work, making it easy for anyone to make awesome videos, regardless of experience.

In addition, the new software also provides you with free video clips that are already made, clips that you can legally use as your own. This means that there is no need to be on camera, in fact, with today's AI ability, the software will even do a voice-over that will sound just like a real person. All you need to do is to create a script, the software will do the rest.

This video was made in minutes and for free.

In minutes, you can create a professional video.  Above is a video that was made with Fliki.  The free version of Fliki is limited to 5 minutes per month.  Although five minutes is not a lot of video time, I urge you to watch the video above, since it was made with Fliki.  You are going to be amazed, and you can use Fliki to create videos for your business for free. 

 Next, allow me to suggest that you get started with four short videos per month.   

Wrap the content of each video around a golden nugget about your business.   A one-minute or so video is what viewers want.

People love short videos, and short videos have the most potential to go viral.  




May I also suggest that you grab a free suite of Tools by TubeBuddy.  TubeBuddy will help you with a step-by-step checklist that you can follow to grow your channel, along with free tools such as Keyword Explorer (above) which will help you with finding the best keywords.  TubeBuddy is a bit like having a YT advisor pointing out how to get the most out of your channel.  It is perfect for YT beginners.

Most small businesses are missing out!  You can not only change that, and with the combination of Fliki and TubeBuddy, you can start off doing things right, thus enjoying the benefits of your video marketing as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For more help, information, and free training, visit my YT channel.



He was a SAINT!

Two brothers, both evil, were affluent individuals who concealed their evil actions using their money. Despite their facade of being excellent Christians, and attending church with each other, their deceit was quickly noticed by the arrival of a brand-new pastor. The brand-new priest, who was eloquent and sincere, attracted many more members to the church leading to the initiation of a fundraising effort for a new and bigger church.

Suddenly, one of the brothers died. The remaining brother sought out the new priest the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the quantity required to complete paying for the brand-new church.

"I have just one condition," he stated. "At the funeral service, you need to claim my brother was a saint." The pastor gave his word, and accepeted the check.

The next day, at the funeral service, the pastor did not hold back. "He was a bad man," he said. "He cheated on his wife and abused his family members." After going on such as this, he finally concluded, "Yet, compared to his brother, he was a SAINT."

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  • Top Commentor

    This another outstanding Article George.  You're right that many of us have hesitation about diving into videos, but you're right it's the fastest way to grow your business.  But you're tutorials are so detailed and provide everything needed to do it.  We just have to do it.  I love the humor, that was a good one.  

    • Top Video Contributor

      I started with slide show-type videos with text only. As you say, we just have to do it, thank you, Robin.  

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