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How To Get Hundreds Of Content Ideas In Seconds


Hi Everyone!  I am George Pierce, this post is about how you can have hundreds of Content Ideas in seconds.  The old-fashioned way of doing this is to look at your competition manually.  This still works and is a valid method, but there is a faster way and it is free. 

It is a free Topic Research tool by Semrush.   This is not a keyword tool, it is a topic-finder that you will love because it works, and it does so much more, as you are about to see.

You may have already discovered that making money online is a content-driven business, whether you are creating websites, videos, or both.  What happens to most of us when it comes to content creation, is that we reach a point where we feel that we are running out of ideas for creating new content.   Running out of new ideas brings everything to a halt, and soon after, our make-money online adventure comes to an end.  

I have seen too many super-talented aspiring online marketers and YouTube marketers fold up their online businesses because they "RAN OUT OF CONTENT".  In many cases, their businesses were growing and prospering.

If you ever need help with coming up with ideas for content creation, Semrush is a free tool that will do the job.


The tool is free, but you will have to join Semrush and then log in, to use it.  

Type your niche, and hit Get Content Ideas.  Again, this is a topic finder.  

What that means is that you can type in a 'general' topic such as Internet Marketing, Pets, Weight Loss, and so on.

The software will take it from there.



As you see above, once you hit Get Content Ideas, the software has revealed 70 sub-niches and you are 

just getting started!  Click on any of these, where it says 'Show More", and watch what happens.

Below are 19 topic suggestions, for Google Ads (after clicking Show More).


In a matter of seconds, this free software will serve up over 1300 topic suggestions!

Making money online is an opportunity of a lifetime, all we have to do is to stick with it.

If content creation is becoming a chore because you are running out of ideas, give this free tool a try.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free make money online training, visit my YT channel. 


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  • Very useful information. Thank you George for keeping us informed about the latest softwares which can help us to choose our niche/content wisely.

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