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How To Grow Your Online MONEY Tree!


Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, this post is about making money online, which is a lot like owning a money tree!  Money trees are hard to come by, that is why a make money online money tree is so special.  It is accessible to everyone!  There is a catch, however.  Money trees need attention in order to grow.  Most online money making opportunities seem to infer that you can 'set it and forget it", and that is not true.  For example, AI tools can be very helpful, and I will be sharing a couple of free tools that can change your online financial future, but YOU are still that secret ingedient that is going to make or break your online endeavor.  If you are searching for that 'little extra' or that 'special ingredient' for growing your money tree, it is YOU!  

The other advantage of an online money tree is that it is free.  In fact, I strongly suggest that you opt for free (or low cost) options when you are starting out.  Even with the best care, your money tree will take a while to grow.  In the meantime, if you are NOT spendng money (focusing on free), your new business may not yet be making money but it is not losing money.  When you are spending money, even a little, your new business is losing money.  Why this is so important is that the only way kill your money tree is to quit...if your business is not losing money, you are much less likely to quit.  


Next, allow me to arm you with an easy strategy to help you to ensuure that your money tree will grow. The strategy is research.  What is amazing is that research is the best fertilizer for an online money tree.  The research process is so simple, and it works (almost) every time.  

How it works:  

Find out what people want!  (relative to your niche).  Then give it to them!   I like to add a step three, which is to 'make your content special'.  Research is the basis for the entire process.  Three tools that you can use for your research are TubeBuddy, Ubersuggest, and your Search Box. 


 TubeBuddy and/or Ubersuggest are free tools that help you find the 'perfect' keywords.  Perfect keywords have good serach or great search and less competition.  Above is a snapshot of some of the keyword research performed, this is for "70s music" using Ubersuggest.  Ubersuggest has an online web site and a chrome extension, both are free.   The lower the SD, the better.  I recommend 30 or lower for newbies.  30 means that you have about a 70% chance of success.  "70s music hits' (above), for example, has an SD of 9, which means a 91% chance of success. 'Jolene the song' (not shown) has a search volume of 66.5K and an SD of 22 which is great.

The icing on the cake!

As far as I know, no one is teaching this!  Step three is using your search box to help separate your content from the rest.  Type a keyword or phrase into your search box that accurately describes what you are loooking for and I recommend that you add the word "Wikipedia".  

Below is a snapshot from Wikipedia (Jolene the song) of a small but important bit of info that is the kind of info that can help.


That bit of info is that "Jolene" has been selected as the number one Country song of all time by Rolling Stone.  Although these three steps do not guarantee success every time, they should work for you almost every time...and I believe that you will soon agree that this is an easy way to grow your online money tree.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For more help with making money online with a focus on free, visit my YT training channel.

pps.  Viral potential is confirmed thanks to YT search box.


PPPS.  Thanks to 'research', this Bee Gees short is the number one disco song of all time, it has almost 700 views already, and it has viral potential.

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