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How To Use YouTube Free And Never Be On Camera.


Hi All!

I am George Pierce.  I have been using YouTube for over 10 years, but I was not too quick or eager to take advantage of the best source of free traffic on the Internet.  I believe that most aspiring Internet Marketers feel the same way and the fact was a mistake for me. Perhaps for you as well.  

I discovered that I could make darn good videos with free-to-use content.  Getting in front of a camera was not a requirement, not even a voice-over.  

I also discovered that by legally using other people's videos...videos that are already made, the 'video creation process' was FAST and EASY.  I had been missing out on the best free traffic. 

If you are NOT using YT for driving traffic, or, if you are using YT for traffic, but you are creating your own videos, I invited you to keep reading.  Not using YT is sincerely a lost opportunity that you can fix and you are about to see how. Creating your own videos is great, but using pre-made videos is so much easier and faster.

The following video is made up of 'free to use' videos from two of my favorite free video stock sites.

The free video sites are called Pixabay and Pexels.  Their videos are totally free.  I have NEVER had an issue using any of their videos or images.  I do not recommend using Pixabay's audio for music or sound effects, however, since it often creates copyright problems.  Your safest source for audio is YT Library, which will be on the left side of your YT dashboard.

Go to Pexels or Pixabay and search for the kind of video content that you want.  Download it and insert it into your video.  If you need a video editor, Clipchamp is a free online editor and Open Shot is a free downloadable editor. Both are easy to use and have no watermark.  

Each segment of the above movie is from either Pixabay or Pexels.  It took only minutes to make the video. 

The audio was created with CreateStudio which is paid software, however, there are numerous free online options such as VoiceMaker and Veed.IO and the thumbnail is by thumbnail blaster (also paid) but Canva dot com is an outstanding free option.

There are three points that I want to make.

NO COST: There is absolutely no need to spend money, all your resources are free.

EASY:  There is no need for any video skills or knowledge.  The free tools will do all the work.  

FAST:  It is not going to take much time to create your videos. It is much faster than you think.

So stop missing out on YouTube traffic.

For more help, I invite you to watch this video.  It is about the creation of the above video with a focus on how to get more views.

TubeBuddy is a free suite of tools to help you with your YT channel, it is free and it includes Keyword Explorer. To get TubeBuddy, click here:

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

 PS. In the bottom video, the funny clips are free from Giphy dot com.  Download and add to your video, it is that easy. 


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  • Top Member

    This press release is packed with lots of beneficial information. The resource list is a bonus for all Youtubers. 

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