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Hi All, 

I am George Pierce.  I have been an IM for about 20 years.  Most of what I do is guesswork!  This post is about action, taking action.  So what does guesswork have to do with anything?  I believe that most or all newbies are faced with guessing as an option, as a primary option, when it comes to Internet Marketing.  That is not going to change.  Your guesses, however, are going to get better and better.  

In the meantime, it is important that you take action.  I am not a proponent of doing bad work or making bad guesses, but I am a proponent of action.  Learn how to do your research and let your research guide your decisions, and, back up those decisions with action. If you make a mistake, so what, fix it and go on. 

To paraphrase a quote from Zig Ziglar, "Do not wait for all the lights to turn green."  If your niche research looks good, take action.  Is my niche research right all the time...OH OF COURSE!  HA!  The real answer is... Of Course NOT!  

Mistakes are part of the learning process, so do not let the possibility of "making a mistake" stand in your way.  I try not to make mistakes, and I am sure that you do too, but mistakes are no big deal.  Especially in a digital environment.  

My point is to take action.   

Delay is not what your IM business needs, it needs action.  Base your action on sound judgment and take action.  

When it comes to action, W. Clement Stone's advice is not to just do it, it is to Do It Now. 

Thanks for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. My first year as an IM seemed more like I was finding out what did not work rather than what did work.  

PPS. If you would like free training, visit my IM Training channel:


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  • Top Commentor

    Great tip George, it does seem that fortune favors action takers.  You can't be afraid of making mistakes, or learning lessons would be better way of putting it.  You're right on target about the guessing, but I like the way you qualified it with, do your research. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Niche research tells us what is supposed to work and what is not supposed to work.  When we gain experience, then we also develop an instinct that we can add to our arsenal. What is nice about the Internet is that we can take on a "new" challenge whenever we choose.  In my case, I get to enjoy the ride, really enjoy the ride, an experience that I may have failed to fully enjoy previously,  as well as enjoy the destinations.  Thank you, Robin.  

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