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Keyword Tips For YouTube


Without good keywords, no one shows up, not even your reindeer!

Hey Everyone!  I am Geroge Pierce, this post is about keywords, keyword tools, and keyword tips.  This differs from what I have been sharing because I am compiling a GENERIC list of keywords.  You will see in a moment how a generic list will be a super time saver.  YouTube allows up to 500 characters for our tags (keywords).  Most YT channels are built around a niche, so most or all videos will be about that niche.  What this means is that you and I can create a list of keywords (a generic list), that should apply to all of our videos, keywords that we research once and that will score well, and thus save us significant keyword research time and effort later.  

The following is based on what I do, no one that I know of is teaching this, so, as far as I know, it is unique. It is based on the idea that you can 're-use' keywords from another video, a great idea.  The negative about the re-use idea is that you and I have to go through our 're-used' keywords and eliminate the ones that do not apply.   Compiling a list of generic keywords that we can use for all of our videos,  means a list that we can simply copy and paste over and over again.  And then add a few specific keywords. 



Tip#1 Base your videos around what people are searching for, using relative keywords with good search and less competition. 

The good news about finding great keywords is that there are free tools that will do the work.  Above is a snapshot of some of the generic keywords that I am using for a new channel.  The free tool that you see above is Keyword Explorer which is part of a suite of tools and more that are available from TubeBuddy. 

Notice that TB's KE helps us to find keywords that 'score' well.  It balances search and keyword optimization and competition.  A mistake that most newbies make is that they often select what they believe are the best keywords, and usually those keywords that seem the best are the worst,  The reason is that the competition is so high, and this means that your channel will not benefit,  In other words, keywords with high competition do not help your channel.  However, keywords with good search and lower competition will do your channel a lot of good, 

 For YT, I suggest that you use keywords that score at least GOOD or better.   In my case, some of my list will also be used on TikTok, so on TT, one or more accurate descriptive keywords or phrases that score fair, may be worth including.  


BULK Keywords FREE!

Wordstream Keyword Tool (above) is also free.  Above is a snapshot of 500 downloadable keywords listed according to search volume.  Also included are cost (for paid ads) and competition.  Choose the ones with low competition and the ones that are generic.  In other words, Christmas Trivia would probably not be a good choice because it is not generic and because the competition is medium.

The following is a snapshot of an example of what you can create that you can copy and paste into your description for each video. 


Compilation (Template)

In the above example, add your channel URL below "Join the channel" and make it part of your template, add your video Title after 'Thanks for watching', and add specific keywords after "If you like".  Next (between like and consider) are the pre-selected generic keywords (making them part of the copy-and-paste template) which you can copy along with your specific keywords, and paste into your tags.  You will save lots of time on creating tags and automatically, your tags are in your description, and your Title is in your description, which helps your SEO score.  


The above is based on a new YT channel and a new TT channel about Quizzes.  Quizzes are hot on YT and on fire on TT.  People love quizzes, trivia, brain teasers, puzzles, riddles, and so on.  The above video is a short training video covering the steps to take in order to make money online by creating quizzes, specifically on TT because it is the sweet spot.  

Another trick, recommended by some of the gurus, I am using, is to have at least five videos when opening a new channel, I have not used this before, so I will let you know what happens. 

People LOVE quizzes!


Above is a snapshot of one of the videos on the new quiz channel on YT. The Quiz Geeks Channel. At the time of this snapshot, there were NO keywords, and no tags, no advertising, no sharing, and I have not visited any channels or left any comments as The Quiz Geeks channel. 


NO Videos have been published.  Yet, there are already twelve subscribers!

I am in the process of adding keywords, and I am about one and a half videos away from starting the channel, I look forward to sharing more.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For more free make money online training, I invite you to visit my YT training channel.  


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  • Top Member

    Impressive and great training here. This information will help many people. I'm very sure your YT channel will be a hit like your other YT channels. BTW I love the funny photo you shared. 

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