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Top Video Contributor

Lazy Man's Video Creator!


Hi All!  I am George Pierce.  This post is about a new free video creation tool, Invideo AI.  I posted about it on SE about 4 weeks ago.  I am posting about it again for two reasons.  

The first reason is that this free video creation is so impressive.  All it needs is a keyword...hit generate, give it a few minutes, and download your video.  You have the option to edit, but you will find that you will not need to edit.

This video was created using the keyword phrase "fiber foods", that is it.  I hit generate, did zero editing, downloaded it, sandwiched it between an intro and outro, and this is the result with almost no effort!

I am not a proponent of laziness, but the title Lazy Man's Video Creator is not misleading.  At the time of this post, it is the Fourth Of July weekend...that is my excuse for using Invideo AI.  It is still new for me.  I believe that it might be perfect for making YT shorts.  The point is that the videos are superb, and you do not need any experience to make these videos.

The second reason for this post is that I said in my previous post that the free version offered us 10 minutes per month, I was wrong, it is 10 minutes per week up to 4 videos per week.  


That relates to four free two-and-one-half-minute professional videos per week, with almost no effort.  Post these videos on sites such as YT, and TikTok, and share the videos on social sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Reddit, and so on for a huge free traffic boost.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I will be posting a dropshipping video on SE soon.  You will see how to get started for free, how to get started the right way, and there will be several surprise bonuses to give your dropshipping biz a real edge.  So join SE, so you will get notified when this free training video gets posted.  I have about 6 years of dropshipping experience, so you are getting first-hand training and advice.

PPS. Allow me to invite you to visit my YT channel for free make-money online training


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Terri Pattio



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