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Hi Everyone,

I am George Pierce.  In this post, you will see a lot of online marketing that is Done For YOU!  'Done for You' is primarily a time saver enabling you to get more done and make more money.  You will see how one of my favorite websites can help you at zero cost.

Let's say that you are new to online marketing and need a way to gain some traction, to make things happen, to make some of the money that everyone promises but has not been delivered.  

We are going to get results, as you are about to see, but with a nice twist!  You are not going to be spending any money.

Our goal (your goal) is to make money and build a list.  

To do that you are going to need a website and marketing tools.  To help you with that, I suggest a site called Systeme, 

Systeme is a complete marketing package, which means that you will find everything you need all in one place.  You cost is zero and it stays at zero up to 2K subscribers:

To help you with making money and list building, we will be using a site called Worldprofit. I have been a member for at least 10 years.  This site is one of the best sites on the Internet and you are about to see how it can really help you.

Let's start with a DFY ad:10880877274?profile=RESIZE_710x

This is ad #1a of 20 DFY ads.

You can take a snapshot or rewrite or spin that ad (to avoid duplicate content) and post it on social media sites, forums, and sites like SE. 

Each of the 20 ads has your own special affiliate link to a DFY web page. 

Take a look at this!  This is the page that ad #1a links to.





Again, this is Done For You and it is free.  If you decide to join Worldprofit, you will find all your DFY ads and 

DFY web pages by clicking Promotional Links - Earn $$ at the top of your dashboard on the left.



The real advantage to Worldprofit is VALUE.  Being a member of Worldprofit provides you with awesome value, 

and it allows you to provide others with value.  

But there is MORE!

There is so much more that you will receive, most of which is NOT going to be covered in this post.  However, allow me to share 

another feature that you are going to love because it is another way and easy way to make money and to build your list fast.


On the left column of your Worldprofit dashboard, click on Goodie Bag/ Freebies and then click on PLR Product vault.  

At the time of this post, there are 570 products that are available!  



New content is constantly being added to the vault.  

Almost every product in the vault comes with a DFY ebook, an ebook cover, and a DFY sales page! Most also include a DFY squeeze page, and a DFY thank you page as well.  

Personally, I have had very good luck with Instagram products, so I was immediately drawn to Instagram Mastery. 

Instagram Mastery includes your DFY ebook ($17.95, yours free), DFY Sales Page, DFY Squeeze Page, and Thank You page.






There is more, but I hope you get the idea. 


In addition to Instagram Mastery, I added Free Web Traffic Made Simple as a bonus.  Free Web Traffic Made Simple also includes 

a DFY ebook, ecover,  sales page and squeeze page.  



You can use the PLR vault to make money, you can resell Instagram Mastery for $17.95, and you can resell Free Web Traffic Made Easy for $16.  You can also use the content as the basis for web pages, blog post, and videos.  The content can also help you for personal use.  

If you add just one PLR product a day to your website and share it on social media, and sprinle in some free SEO, you will see results.  This is proven to work.

Need SEO Training?

The video is geared to weight loss, but the training will work for any niche. 

Want to watch the training series?

Video #1 Keto Training Series ~ How you can make 100 a day online at zero cost using this amazing affiliate marketing strategy.



HUMOR (sot of)



NO Parachute Needed!

I always thought that you needed a parachute to sky dive.  I was wrong.

I found out that you do NOT need a parachute to sky dive. 

You need a parachute to sky dive twice.



Chess and Christmas?

A group of chess enthusiasts and players check into the Hyatt hotel around the Holidays, for an annual chess tournament that is held at the hotel.

I am a chess player, at least, an avid chess enthusiast.  A bunch of us were standing in the lobby discussing our recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked us to disperse.

“But why?” we asked.

The manager continued, “because, I cannot stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”


Do Women Call You UGLY?

I have had women call me ugly, and here is how to fix that.

I just let them know how much money I have!  They stop calling me ugly!

They call me ugly and poor.



Thank you for reading.  I hope you find this content to be helpful.  Allow me to wish you much success.

George Pierce

PS: For more help and training (free), please visit my YouTube channel:

PPS.  To test your SEO skills, search for your own content. Your goal is to show up on page one!

It can be done, and it means a ton of FREE traffic.  Watch my SEO Training video above so you, too,

can get on page one for free. 



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Make your payment and send details for your advertising to me. You will be notified of the  available spots.

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1 month of banner advertising is $7.00 (PRIME SPOT - displayed at the top of page on SE press release).

Click here to make your payment now

Your 350x350 banners will be displayed on 2 other location within the community. 

Your 468x60 banner will be displayed at the top of the profile pages ~ $5.00 a month

Payment Confirmation will be sent to your inbox. Be watching for it, also you'll get relevant details that you should know. 

Terri Pattio



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