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How To KNOW Which Online Opportunities Are Good


Hello!  I am George Pierce, this post is about your need to look before you leap, before you jump into an online opportunity.  Most online opportunities are about selling you something or getting you to watch a video.  That is not necessarily bad, some online opportunities and gurus are outstanding, but some are not. 

The bad ones will be a waste of your money and time.  Even worse, is that you might quit for good.

Based on my experience, about one out of eight website-based opportunities are worthy of your attention, up from one in nine.  YouTube, however, is about one in twenty-five, down from one in twenty.  


When you are new, it is almost impossible to know which opportunities are worthy.  So here are a few tips that can help.


Use your search box and type in the name or names of the person or people that are involved, and see what shows up.  Type in the company name, online URL, or phone number.  You may be surprised at what shows up.

Next, add words such as SCAM and complaints to your search.

Rely on logic, not emotion.

An online opportunity can change your life, the possibilities are beyond your imagination.  When it is the right choice, it is the best decision that you will ever make, so make a logical decision, not an emotional one.



Listen to your gut if you feel that there is something wrong.  Listening to your gut is emotional rather than logical, but if you are getting some kind of a negative vibe, there may be a reason that you might want to go on to the next opportunity.

Is it right for you?

Even the best opportunities are not a good fit for everyone.  If you are like most people, your hope is that an online opportunity is eventually going to become your full-time work-from-home business.  Make sure it is one that you will love.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free make money online training, visit my YT training channel.




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  • Top Member

    This is definitely great information George Pierce Exactly what I do when reasearching a business opportunity. You can see the good and bad about an opportunity, and it helps you to make an informed decsion. I'm sure this will help those who read it. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Most newbies make bad choices, which I certainly did, resulting in wasted time and money and even quitting, thank you, Terri. 

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